- Roshan has been inflicted with a deadly virus. 本群组是开放的。
- He was stricken with a deadly virus. 他染上了一种致命病毒。
- No one wanted to accidentally infest the world with a deadly virus! 没有人希望出现意外,用一种致命的病毒侵扰全世界!
- Rapidly mutating deadly viruses. 变异非常迅速的致命病毒。
- Were you to go online tomorrow, your computer might run the risk of being attacked by a deadly virus. 如果明天上网,你的电脑可能面临遭到致命病毒破坏的危险。
- Your system is in need to be cured from a DEADLY Virus that has been detected on your system. 意思是你的系统已遭受一个致命病毒的侵害需要赶快治疗。
- A 'safe' version of Ebola has been developed by researchers hoping to broaden opportunities to study the deadly virus. 一种“无害型”埃博拉病毒已经在实验室产生,研究人员期望能够有更大的机会来研究这种致死性病毒。
- WHO is also concerned about HIV and influenza A H1N1 influenza mutate combined to form a new more deadly virus. 世卫组织还担忧,艾滋病病毒和甲型H1N1流感结合后发生变异,形成更加致命的新型病毒。
- Experts worried migrating birds might transmit the deadly virus if they flew out of the epidemic-stricken areas. 专家们担心从被传染病攻击的地区(疫区)迁徙的候鸟可能会传播致命性病毒。
- We must have the common understanding that we should not let our guard down to prevent a new outbreak of the deadly virus. 国人仍须保持警戒之心,以防病毒再次肆虐,这是我们的共识。
- Bono, the lead singer of U2, said the AIDS epidemic had reached crisis proportions, with millions of children in Africa orphaned by the deadly virus. 作为流行乐队u2的领军人物,保罗.;休森说,目前艾滋病疫情发展非常的令人恐怖,在非洲有上百万的儿童患上了这种致命疾病。
- Governments across Asia began quarantining those with symptoms of the deadly virus and some issued travel warnings for Mexico. 横过亚洲的政府开始用致命的病毒症状检疫那些,而且一些为墨西哥发出了旅行警告。
- He uses his own mobile phone to remind those who're HIV positive when they should take the cocktail of drugs required to suppress the deadly virus. 他用自己的手机通知那些HIV呈阳性的病人,什么时候应该服用混合药物来抵制那些致命的病毒。
- Join world famous archeologist Cathie Jones asshe sets out on an amazing match-three journeyto find the legendary Fountain of Youth and stopthe spread of a deadly virus! 与世界著名的考古学家凯蒂琼斯,开始一次惊心动魄的3个消除之旅,寻找传奇的青春之泉,阻止致命病毒的传播!
- The New Zealand Medical Association (NZMA) warned in 2005 that a deadly virus transmission through this pathway could potentially kill millions of people. 新西兰药学联合会在2005年警告称致死病毒在这种方式的传播下可能会导致数百万人死亡。
- The World Organization for Animal Health said on Monday that the name swine flu is a misnomer as the deadly virus has origins among birds and humans as well as pigs. 世界动物健康组织周一说猪流感是个误称,致命细菌可以起源于鸟类、人类,猪也一样。
- The World Organisation for Animal Health said on Monday that the name swine flu is a misnomer as the deadly virus has origins among birds and humans as well as pigs. 世界动物卫生组织发表声明,猪流感的命名有所偏颇,这种致命的病毒除了来自于猪,还来自于鸟类,包括了我们人类。
- Rihab Taha is head of a secret biological warfare programme in Iraq and has allegedly overseen the manufacture of 10 billion doses of deadly viruses and bacteria. 里哈卜·塔哈是伊拉克的一项秘密生物战计划的负责人,可能监督制造了100亿剂致命的病毒和细菌。
- The English language is being destroyed by a "deadly virus of management speak"which has infected the mouths and minds of politicians like Tony Blair and George W. Bush, a leading UK journalist said recently. 最近,一位英国资深记者说,英语正在遭到一种"官腔语言的致命病毒"的侵害,这种病毒已经感染了许多政治家的谈吐和思想,其中包括托尼·布莱尔和乔治·布什。
- Scientists are studying a deadly virus as a way to kill rabbits, and have embarked on long-term research into genetically engineered viruses that would make rabbits and foxes sterile. 科学家正在研究一种致命的病毒,作为杀死兔子的一种方法; 而且已经着手长期研究用遗传工程技术制造转基因病毒,使兔子和狐狸失去生殖能力。