- It was cloudy; and the captain had to calculate our position by dead reckoning. 空中阴云密布,船长不得不用罗盘测航法以确定我们的位置。
- I had to rely completely on dead reckoning. 我只得全凭自己的测算行事。
- Dead Reckoning" is one of the foundamental parts of nautics. “航迹推算”是航海学的基本内容之一。
- It was cloudy;and the captain had to calculate our position by dead reckoning. 空中阴云密布,船长不得不用罗盘测航法以确定我们的位置。
- Proprioception is dead reckoning, where the robot measures a signal originating within itself. 本体感受是航位推测法,机器人可以测量来自本身的信号。
- It was cloudy; and the captain had to calculate our position by dead reckoning . 空中阴云密布,船长不得不用罗盘测航法以确定我们的位置。
- Dead reckoning is a technique to re duce latency and communication costs in distributed interactive simulation syst ems. 推算定位技术是大规模分布交互仿真系统缓解网络传输延时及减少网络通讯量的传统方法。
- Abstract: In dead reckoning for vehicles, the magnetic sens or is better than gyroscope in perfor- mance and price ratio. 摘 要: 与陀螺仪相比,在车辆航位推算系统中采用磁阻传感器具有较高的性价比。
- This paper presents the implementation of dead reckoning with two thresholds based on the hexagonal grid subdivision for DIS. 该方法实现简单,可以有效减少系统的通讯量。
- The first is Dead Reckoning, which computes its own positions from the direction and speed data continuously obtained from the gyroscope and speedometer in the vehicle. 第一是推测领航,指不断由车辆的陀螺仪和速度计显示的方向和速度数据计算本身的位置。
- We now have a dead reckoning system (see prototype screenshot on Figure 2), named after the ancient naval navigation techniques used when the stars were not visible. 现在我们就有了一个导航预测系统,该系统以古代航海学上在星星不可见时用来导航的技术而命名。
- An embedded remote terminal based on GPRS technology for ships in inland rivers was designed, based on GPS and secondary dead reckoning for ships' positioning. 摘要利用船位推算方法辅助GPS进行船舶定位,设计了基于GPRS无线通信的嵌入式内河船舶远程通信终端。
- Taking into account the complex working environment: uneven physiognomy of deep-sea, wheel's skid, low surrounding visibility and so on, I bring forward the dead reckoning based on the driven wheel. 考虑到深海地貌崎岖不平、车轮打滑、周围能见度低等复杂的工作环境,提出了一种基于从动轮的航位推算定位。
- To meet the scalability and message filtering requirements of data distribution management (DDM) in distributed interactive simulation (DIS), a fuzzy dead reckoning (DR) algorithm was proposed. 摘要为了满足分布式交互仿真(DIS)中数据分布管理(DDM)对可扩展性和信息过滤的要求,提出一种模糊推算定位(DR)算法。
- The story is an amazing one: On 5 April 1969 Herbert messaged Her Majesty the Queen, "I have the honor to inform your Majesty that on the 5th April by dead reckoning we reached the North Pole. 这是一个令人惊奇的故事:1969年4月5日,赫伯特在给女王陛下发电报时说:“我荣幸地告知陛下:用陆标定位法计算,4月5日我们到达了北极。”
- The silly ending robs the plot of any credibility. 这愚蠢的结尾使得整个情节变得一点都不可信。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- Her jealousy is the mainspring of the novel's plot. 这部小说情节中贯穿了她的忌妒之心。
- I reckon the girl is a little bit boyish. 这想这个女孩有点男孩子气。
- They are brewing a plot behind the scenes. 他们正在幕后策划一个阴谋。