- dead patient records 死亡病历
- She commenced to cry and put my patient record in her apron pocket. 她开始哭起来,把我的病历放在她罩衫的衣袋里。
- "For several months, our nurses have been baffled to find a dead patient in the same bed every Friday morning" a spokeswoman for the XXX Hospital told reporters. “几个月来,我们的护士一直为每星期五早上在同一张病床发现有病人死亡感到困惑”某医院的女发言人告诉记者。
- Hospital requirements to enable the medical record department to secure the patient record expeditiously and safely. 患者出院后,医疗提供者应按照医院要求即速完成病历以使病案部门及时安全地保管病历。
- Realizing computerized of the patient records is the most important this for iHISP ,that is Computer-based Patient Records(CPR). 要实现iHISP的关键部分就是要实现病人病历的计算机化,即电子病历(Computer-based Patient Records,CPR)。
- The method 128 example acute progressivity brain stem dead patient divides into the treatment group and the control group stochastically, treats the group 66 examples, control group 62 examples. 方法 128例急性进展性脑梗死患者随机分为治疗组与对照组,其中治疗组66例,对照组62例。
- Electronic Patient Record (EPR) is an important component of Health Information System (HIS). 电子病历是医院信息系统的重要组成部分。
- Images may be stored on paper, film, videotape, or as digital images incorporated in the patient record. 影像储存的方式,可能是纸张,底片,录像带,或是数字影像,被编排并入患畜的病历表中。
- CPRI was incorporated in January 1992 in response to the Institute of Medicine's Patient Record Study Committee report. CPRI是应病历研究委员会组织的报告,于1992年一月成立。
- This paper discusses the application of PKI to the security of computer-based patient record information system. 讨论如何将PKI技术运用到电子病历的安全中,以及PKI在解决电子病历安全所遇到的一系列问题。
- OBJECTIVE To investigate the clinical and bacteriological feature of nosocomial infection in the dead patients with chronic renal failure. 目的分析慢性肾衰竭死亡患者医院感染的临床和细菌学特征,寻找防治对策。
- Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) can provides a series of security services for computer-based patient record information system. 利用PKI技术提供的信息安全服务能够解决电子病历系统安全中所遇到的一系列问题。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- Methods: A retrospective review of 98 patient records was conducted.Data regarding age, cause of fracture, anatomic site, treatment modalities and clinical results were reviewed. 方法:回顾性分析经过治疗的98例面中部骨折病例,对其发病原因、临床表现、诊断、治疗时机及方法进行探讨。
- By ensuring swift patient record documentation at the point-of-care, the PMS eliminates the burden of illegible writing, paper processes, and unorganized records. 通过确保在每个诊治节点患者信息的及时录入,PMS消除了手写字迹的难以辨认,纸质病例的不方便,以及数据不能进行组织的缺点。
- This paper brings forward the design of an XML-based medical electronic patient record application system, introduces our work and points out some problems existing now. 建立以XML为基础的医疗电子病历应用体系,提出设计方案,介绍目前所做的工作,最后指出其中存在的一些问题。
- The expression levels of CD80,CD83 and CD1a on DC surface between dead patients and control group were significantly different except CD86.The expression of CD1a,CD80,CD83 and CD86 between live patients and control group had no difference. 除CD86外;老年死亡组与对照组比较CD80、CD83和CD1a均下降明显;其中CD1a在组间比较P<0.;05;CD80、CD83在组间比较P<0
- The gardener picked off the dead flowers. 园丁把所有凋谢的花朵摘了下来。
- Some moths simulate dead leaves. 有些蛾拟态为枯叶。
- The motel is dead ahead about a mile from here. 那家汽车旅馆就在前方大约一英里的地方。