- Let the dead past bury its dead ! 让已死的过去把死的埋葬!
- Let the dead past bury iss dead. 让死亡的过去永远埋葬!
- Let the dead Past bury its dead! 让逝去的岁月把过去埋葬!
- Memory, the priestess, kill the present and offers it heart to the shrine of the dead past. “记忆”这个女祭司,她损毁了“现在”,用它的心祭奠那已消逝的旧日祭坛。
- Let the dead Past bury its dead! Act, act in the living present! Just try again until you made it! 别信靠未来,无论未来的憧憬多么可爱!让死亡的过去永远埋葬!行动,就在此时此刻行动起来!坚定的心灵,上帝的指引!如果你失败了,让它去吧!爬起来再努力一次,直至成功!顽强生命!
- Memory, the priestess, kills the present and offers its to the shrine of the dead past. 回忆,这位女祭司,杀害了“此刻”,并将他的心献给那四季的昔日圣坛。
- Memory,tge priestess,kill the presemt and offers of heart to the shrine of the dead past . 记忆;这女祭司;毁掉现在;便把它的心祭奠给那已死的往昔神殿.
- Memory, the priestess, kill the present and offers its heart to the shrine of the dead past. 回忆,这位女祭司,杀害了“此刻”,并将它的心献祭给那死寂的昔日神坛。
- Momory,the priestess,kills the present and offers,its heart to the shine of the dead past. 回忆,这位女祭司,杀害了“此刻”,并将它的心献祭给那死寂的昔日圣坛。
- Memory, the priestess, kill the presentoffers it heart to the shrine of the dead past. “记忆”这个女祭司,她损毁了“现在”,用它的心祭奠那已消逝的旧日祭坛。
- Memory,the priestess,kills the present and offers it's heart to the shrine of the dead past. 回忆;这位女祭司;杀害了"此刻"并将它的心献祭给那死寂的昔日圣坛.
- Trust no Future, however pleasant Let the dead past bury its dead! Act, act in the living present! Just try again until you made it! 别信靠未来,无论未来的憧憬多么可爱!让死亡的过去永远埋葬!行动,就在此时此刻行动起来!坚定的心灵,上帝的指引!如果失败了,让它去吧?站起来再努力一次,直至成功!
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- Trust no future, however pleasant. Let the dead past bury its dead. Act, act. Act in the living pleasant. Heart within and God overhead, if you fail, let it be. Just try again until you make it. 不要信*未来,无论未来的憧憬多么可爱。让死亡的过去永远埋藏。坚定的心灵,上帝的指引,如果你失败了,就让它去吧。爬起来再努力一次,直到成功。
- The gardener picked off the dead flowers. 园丁把所有凋谢的花朵摘了下来。
- Some moths simulate dead leaves. 有些蛾拟态为枯叶。
- The motel is dead ahead about a mile from here. 那家汽车旅馆就在前方大约一英里的地方。
- Our country has a glorious past. 我们的国家有一段光辉的历史。
- He did not bestow one thought on his dead father. 他想都没有想过,他过世的父亲。
- History chronicles important events of the past. 历史记载历代重要的事件。