- Most of them as de jure population,whose age structure and sex struc-ture were of imbalance,had developed the Northeastern frontier region with the minority nationalities there. 由于种种原因而造成年龄和性别结构的失调。他们与各少数民族共同开发东北边疆。
- de jure population [法] 常住人口
- The Basis for One China,de Facto and de Jure. 一个中国的事实和法理基础。
- He is the de jure owner of the property. 他是财产的注定所有权人。
- He was de jure prime minister,but de facto president. 他法律上是总理,但实际上是总统。
- He was de jure prime minister, but de facto president. 他法律上是总理,但实际上是总统。
- De jure the change to Swiss banking privacy may therefore be small. 在法律上,瑞士银行保密制度的变更可能会微乎其微;
- He held power de jure and de facto(= both according to the law and in reality). 他无论在法律上还是实际上都大权在握。
- Taiwan was returned to China de jure and de facto at the end of the Second World War. 台湾在第二次世界大战之后,不仅在法律上而且在事实上已归还中国。
- Punishment can be divided into : the de facto and de jure disciplinary punishment. 处分可分为:事实上的处分和法律上的处分。
- Which branch of government determines who has sovereignty de jure over a piece of land? 是由那一个政府部门来决定,谁对一块土地拥有法理主权?
- Ruling by law and by benevolent policy is two ways to manage state affairs de jure. 德治与法治的关系,是回答实现依法治国方略的两种手段和方法之间的关系问题。
- THE COURT: Which branch of government decides who has sovereignty de jure over land? 法院:哪个政府部门可以决定谁对土地拥有主权?
- So in all of the plaintiffs' claims here rest on an assertion of de jure sovereignty. 因此,在这里所有的原告诉求,都停留在法理主权的主张。
- THE COURT: If the United States is the de jure sovereign over Taiwan, would they be nationals? 法院:如果美国是台湾法理上的主权者,他们将是国民?
- One of the elements of prohibited subsidies is de jure or de facto contingency on importation or using domestic products over imported goods. 与出口或者使用国内产品有法律上或事实上条件关系的补贴都会构成禁止性补贴。
- And the United States has made it very, very clear that whoever the de jure sovereign of Taiwan is, it is not the United States. 而美国已经非常,非常清楚地表明,无论谁是台湾法理上的主权者,它不会是美国。
- MS.PATTERSON: Yes, but I think there have been several pertinent changes if this Court is looking at de jure sovereignty. 帕特森:是的,但我认为有一些相关的变化,如果这个法院是著眼于法理主权。
- If, in fact, the language principal occupying power means that the United States is the de jure sovereign, you're in trouble. 如果,事实上,主要佔领权国的用语言是指,美国是在法理上的主权国,妳就麻烦了。
- A decline to 19% in the number of Taiwanese who support de jure independence meanwhile reflects strengthening economic, social and cultural links. 在台湾岛内,支持独立的人数降到了台湾总人口的19%25,这进一步反应了两岸间日益紧密的经济、社会和文化交流。