- General de gaulle was a great man of the time. 戴高乐将军是一代伟人。
- People hurrahed to de Gaulle for 20 minutes. 人们向戴高乐高呼万岁达20多分钟。
- De Gaulle had abruptly vetoed it. 戴高乐断然拒绝了。
- Everyone forgets how shaky de Gaulle's position is. 大家都忘记了戴高乐的地位是多么不稳。
- General Charles de Gaulle named it after WWII. 戴高乐将军在二战以后命名的。
- Amy: Not de Gaulle, Orly airport. 艾米:不是戴高乐,是欧里机场。
- De Gaulle had Andre Malraux at his elbow. 戴高乐总统请作家马勒侯就近当法国首位文化部长。
- They officially and personally regarded De Gaulle as a deserter. 他们官方和私人方面皆视戴高乐谨系一流亡者。
- De Gaulle was, at that time, considered a disloyal soldier. 当时戴高乐被看作是一个不忠实的军人。
- In the afternoon he met alone with de Gaulle for a final talk. 那天下午,他再次和戴高乐单独会见,作最后一次会谈。
- De Gaulle summed up the talks with customary elegance. 戴高乐一如往常,优雅地综述了几天的会谈情况。
- To them General de Gaulle shone as a star in the pitch-black night. 在他们的眼中,戴高乐就好象是漆黑的夜晚中的一颗闪耀的明星。
- In 1970, former French president Charles De Gaulle died at age 79. 1970年,前法国总统查尔斯戴高乐逝世,享年79岁。
- Perhaps there is a bit of de Gaulle in Mr Netanyahu after all. 在内塔尼亚胡身上似乎可以看到一点戴高乐的影子了。
- They officially and personally regarded De Gaulle as a deserter . 他们官方和私人方面皆视戴高乐谨系一流亡者。
- It jarred with President de Gaulle's conception of Europe. 这同戴高乐总统对欧洲的构想相左。
- Charles de Gaulle held office until he was 78, Konrad Adenauer until he was 87. 康抗德阿登纳(译者 注:此君是联邦德国前总理)下台的时候已经87岁了。
- From Roissy Charles de Gaulle airport, take RER B and get off at Gare du Nord. 取消政策:如果在入住日2天之前取消预订酒店将不收取费用。
- Charles de Gaulle airport is pretty big, spent some time on walking to RER. 戴高乐机场实在是有点大.;花了点时间走路到RER搭车
- But General de Gaulle had to carry his gallant band of Frenchmen with him. 但是,戴高乐将军必须说服他的那群豪放的法国人同他一道干。