- dc noise margin 直流噪声容限
- Noise margin: The term noise refers to any undesirable signal that is superimposed on a generated signal. 噪声极限:噪声这个概念指任何正常信号之外不需要的信号。
- Noise margin:The term noise refers to any undesirable signal that is superimposed on a generated signal. 噪声极限:噪声这个概念指任何正常信号之外不需要的信号。
- Noise margin refers to the maximum noise voltage that can be added to the generated signal in a digital circuit before an undesirable change is caused in the circuit output. 噪声极限就是指可以加在数字电路的正常信号上,而又不对正常输出造成危害的最大噪声。
- Using Schottky barrier diodes for D1 and D2 rather than common diodes reduces the low-level voltage on the bus, improving the noise margin. 使用肖特基二极管D1和D2,而不是普通二极管,为的是减少总线上低状态电压,改进噪声极限。
- Comparing with MLT-3 encoding scheme, the minimum distance between two levels of PAM-5 is only half that of MLT-3.This is equivalent to a loss of 6dB noise margin. PAM-5 编码跟100BASE-TX 所用的MLT-3编码相比,相邻电平之间的间距减小了一半,等效于损失了6dB的信噪比。
- reference level to DC noise ratio 基准电平对直流噪声比
- A loud noise from the street diverted my attention. 街上一阵喧闹声转移了我的注意力。
- Ambipolar transistors are attractive for realizing complementary-like organic integrated circuits, which operate with low power dissipation, wide noise margins and great operational stability. 目前,国际上有机双极性晶体管的研究由于受到种种限制性能并不理想,很少能获得对称性良好的高性能器件。
- The line AB cuts the line DC at the point E. AB线和DC线在E点相交。
- The noise awoke her from her revery. 这声音把我她从沉思中惊醒。
- That noise is driving me frantic. 那种噪音真要把我弄疯了。
- The thick walls deadened the noise from the street. 这道厚墙隔绝了街上的噪音。
- A noise abatement notice is served on the club. 向俱乐部发停止大声喧哗的通知。
- The noise of traffic grows louder and louder. 交通的噪音变得愈来愈大。
- The noise struck terror into their hearts. 那声音使他们心里产生恐惧。
- He turned around as he heard a noise behind him. 他听到身后有响声,便转过身来。
- The boy jumped up in surprise at the sudden noise. 突如其来的响声吓得这个男孩跳了起来。
- The loud noise made me leap out of my skin. 这么响的声音吓了我一大跳。
- His nerves were frayed by the noise of traffic. 他被交通噪音弄得神经紧张。