- The truth began to dawn upon him. 他开始明白那道理。
- It has slowly dawned upon us that he will not help. 我们慢慢认识到他是不会帮助我们的。
- A grey day dawned upon the sleeping city. 阴沉沉的黎明降临在这座还在沉睡的城市。
- That was the next morning, which Rebecca thought was to dawn upon her fortune. 那是第二天早上,利蓓加以为她的好日子到了。
- That next morning, which Rebecca thought was to dawn upon her fortune. 第二天早上,利蓓加以为她的好日子到了。
- Until after some weeks of the most intense work of my life clearness began to dawn upon me, and an unexpected view revealed itself in the distance. 经过一生中最紧张的几个礼拜的工作,我终于看见了黎明的曙光。一个完全意想不到的景象在我面前呈现出来。
- This fact has just dawned upon me. 这件事我现在才明白了。
- A new erais now dawning upon the world. 世界的新纪元正展现。
- A new era is now dawning upon the world. 世界正进入一个新时代。
- The New Year has dawned upon us. 新一年已经来到。
- A candle dawned upon the dark room. 一根蜡烛照亮了房间。
- The truth at last dawned upon her. 她终於明白了事情的真相。
- A new door of scholarship had dawned upon the egyptological scheme. 在埃及学的研究计划中出现了一扇新的学术之门。
- Our brigade will be committed at dawn. 我们旅黎明就要投入战斗。
- It suddenly dawned upon her that Bertha's indisposition was assumed. 她突然心生一念:伯莎的病是假装的!
- Our climbing party planned to get away at dawn. 我们的登山队打算一早就出发。
- Then it dawned upon him that miracles were possible even with matches. 然后他豁然明白了,可以用创造奇迹的办法弄些火柴。
- The marchers jumped off at the crack of dawn. 行军队伍在破晓时出发了。
- The police will carry out a dawn raid. 警方将在拂晓展开突然搜查。
- The enemy opened fire on our lines at early dawn. 拂晓时敌人向我防线开了火。