- Is used to cast the value to xs: date type for purposes of comparison. 用于将值转换为xs:date类型,以进行比较。
- In comparing this value, it is implicitly cast to the type on the right side of the comparison, the xs: date type. 比较时,此值将隐式转换为比较右侧的类型(xs:date类型)。
- Convert a source date into a new destination format. This transformation converts a string type to either a date type or a string type in a new format. 将源日期转换为新的目的格式。该转换将字符串类型转换为新格式的日期类型或字符串类型。
- Categorical Date Type (CDT) is built on category theory, which is equipped with parallel operations used to program in a data parallel or skeleton style. 范畴数据类型是基于范畴理论基础建立的,用于并行计算或框架结构设计中的并行操作。
- The paper parses the SNMP protocol and introduces the way of processing, date type and primary operation, then explains how to extend a MIB by instance. 本文通过对SNMP协议的详细解析,给出了SNMP协议的工作方法,数据类型和基本操作的介绍,然后用实例讲解了如何扩展一个MIB。
- The date type fries the egg sushi because crisper also the moisture content few, is not easy to be fixed, therefore in manufacture time laver is lives with the material and the food group, lets the material not send falls. 日式煎蛋寿司因为较脆且水分少、不易固定,所以在制作时用一条海苔把材料和饭团系住,让材料不致滑落。
- This type of bicycle is up to date. 这种款式的脚踏车是最新式的。
- Categorical Date Type(CDT) can be regarded as a generalization of abstract data types,whose object is encapsulated data representation and also the control flow involved in evaluating homomorphism. 范畴数据类型可以看成是抽象数据类型的扩充,它的对象就是封装了数据表达式以及涉及同态操作的控制流的集合。因此同态的关系是构造范畴数据类型关键,但是,在数据类型中有些操作并不是同态操作。
- They haven't set a date for their wedding yet. 他们的婚期还没定下来。
- This Greek dish is of a very early date. 这个希腊盘子是很早时期的制品。
- In a printer, the removable type element. 印刷机上可拆卸的打印部件。
- I tried to fix the date in my mind. 我试着把那个日期牢记在心。
- Can you produce any proof of your date of birth? 你能出示有关你的生日日期的任何证件吗?
- All our information is up to date on the computer. 我们计算机上的信息都是最新的。
- Do you type the letter or take a rest? 你打信呢,还是休息呢?
- The headwords in this dictionary are in bold type. 本词典的词条用的是粗体字。
- It is no good asking her for a date. 要求和她定个约会也没有用。
- He devises a new type of transistor. 他发明了一种新的晶体管。
- He can reel off the date of the king of england. 他能流畅地说出所有英国国王的生卒年份。
- The dresses on show are out of date. 展出的服装都过时了。