- date transmission module 数据传输模块
- Select communication type mainly provide character colloquize module and file transmission module. 选择通讯模块主要是提供通讯类型的选择,包括:文字交谈模式和文件传输模式。
- The communication between the panzer and commanding car is realized by the wireless data transmission module. 装甲车辆与指挥车之间的通信通过无线数传模块实现。
- First layer is the transfer provider realized by E-Mail system. Upper layer is the embedded document transmission module. 在电子公文流转模块的实现上,通过对WEB Mail的中间层,即由Apache服务器触发的Fast CGI进程,通过Apache服务器提供的标准接口进行功能上的嵌入实现了电子公文的流转。
- A wheel force transmission module has been developed, to change the wireless data to the general data, and also measuring the wheel rotating speed and angle. 设计开发了车轮力传送模块,将无线数据形式的车轮力信号转换成通用的传输形式,并对车轮转速和转角进行高精度的实时测量。
- A multichannel temperature wireless measurement system has been developed based on C8051F020 microcontroller and DTD465 wireless data transmission module. 摘要基于C8051F020单片机和DTD465无线数传模块设计了多路温度双向无线遥测系统。
- This system include five module: server module、select communication type、file transmission module、character colloquize module、network supervise module. 本系统包括五个模块:服务器模块、选择通讯模块、文件传输模块、文字交谈模块、网络监控模块。
- The wireless data transmission module uses FSK modulation and forward error correction coding. 无线数传模块基于FSK调制,采用高效前向纠错信道编码技术;
- In the last part of the thesis, the physical layers of WCDMA uplink and the process of multiplexing are introduced .We successfully implemented WCDMA UE transmission module in FPGA platform. 论文的最后一部分介绍了WCDMA上行链路物理层协议,复用流程及上行发射的硬件实现,给出了资源占用情况和测试结果。
- The WCDMA RF optical module has unique dual cavity construction and pluggable data transmission module, which realizes the modularization and flexible update ability of the module. 通过仿真所设计的模块具有独特的双腔结构和可插拔的数传控制模块,实现了模块的模块化设计和灵活配置的改造能力。
- This system consists of three main modules: data collection and display module, data transmission module and software on the epigynous computer. 本系统分为三大模块,分别为数据采集显示模块,数据传输模块和上位机软件。
- They haven't set a date for their wedding yet. 他们的婚期还没定下来。
- This Greek dish is of a very early date. 这个希腊盘子是很早时期的制品。
- I tried to fix the date in my mind. 我试着把那个日期牢记在心。
- STM-1: Synchronous Transmission Module level one 1级同步传输模式
- Can you produce any proof of your date of birth? 你能出示有关你的生日日期的任何证件吗?
- All our information is up to date on the computer. 我们计算机上的信息都是最新的。
- It is no good asking her for a date. 要求和她定个约会也没有用。
- parallel optical transmission module 并行光传输模块
- He can reel off the date of the king of england. 他能流畅地说出所有英国国王的生卒年份。