- data record apparatus 数据录取设备
- To place a single data record into an output file. 把单个数据记录放入输出文件里。
- Control, which works with a single data record at a time. 控件,该控件一次处理一个数据记录。
- A hologram record apparatus (100) includes a spatial light modulator (15) and a control device (18). 一种全息记录装置(100)包括空间光调制器(15)和控制设备(18)。
- The function of CCT (Computer Compatible Tape)conversion record apparatus is to convert multichannel analog signals into digital ones at high speed. 计算机兼容数字磁带(CCT)转换记录装置的功能是把多通道模拟信号高速地转换为数字信号。
- Using a FormView control to create a free-form layout for a data record. 使用FormView控件创建任意形式的数据记录布局。
- Click the "REC" button to begin data recording. 单击“记录”按钮开始数据记录。
- Heim: Airborne Data Recording System. 机载数据记录系统;
- Map Objects are linked to data records. 地图目标有联系的数据记录。
- Furthermore, isolated rabbit aortic smooth muscle strings perfused in chambers is used to record their tension by physiologic recording apparatus. 制备离体主动脉平滑肌条,将其固定在灌流肌槽中,记录离体主访脉平滑肌条张力的变化。
- The retrieval of a data record in an indexed file by the primary (or optionally, alternate) key within the data record. 在索引文件中,通过数据记录中的主要关键字或可选关键字进行数据记录的检索的一种方法。
- An inkjet recording apparatus provides an improved printing speed and improved convenience of use. 一种喷墨记录装置提供了更快的打印速度更快和更方便的应用。
- Low-Cost Flight Data Recorder Reconstructs Attitudes From GPS. 低成本飞行数据记录器从GPS重构飞行姿态。
- Is the test and inspection measurement data recorded in the report? 检查报告是否有记录检查数据?
- Control uses a table-based layout where each field of the data record is displayed as a row in the control. 控件使用基于表的布局,在这种布局中,数据记录的每个字段都显示为控件中的一行。
- Prompts just one time during a mail merge instead of each time a new data record is merged. 在邮件合并过程中只提示一次,而不是每次合并新数据记录时都提示。
- This approach can create a large Web page if the data record contains many columns or large column values. 此方法能够在数据记录包含很多列或大量列值的情况下创建大型网页。
- Electrocardiogram, arterial pressure(AP), coronary blood flow(CBF), cardic output(CO), and left ventricular pressure(LVP) were recorded with RM-6000 record apparatus in normal dogs. 用RM-6000型八道生理记录仪测定健康麻醉犬给药前后HR、BP、CBF、CO及LVP;
- You created earlier and write code to cancel any changes to the data record that is displayed. 事件创建事件处理程序,并编写代码以取消对所显示数据记录所做的任何更改。
- The item template contains the static text and controls that are used to display the data record when the page runs. 项模板包含静态文本和用于在页运行时显示数据记录的控件。