- More than one data modification statement can activate the same trigger. 多个数据修改语句可激活同一个触发器。
- XML index maintenance cost during data modification must be considered. 必须考虑数据修改过程中的XML索引维护开销。
- Data modification language support may be important for your application. 对于您的应用程序来说,数据修改语言支持可能很重要。
- The query-processing engine also uses the schema for type checking and to optimize queries and data modification. 查询处理引擎也使用该架构进行类型检查并优化查询和数据修改。
- However, there is a cost associated with maintaining the index during data modification. 但是,在数据修改过程中维护索引会带来开销。
- Sometimes, the data modification statements are collectively known as the data modification language (DML) part of SQL. 有时,这些数据修改语句被一并称为SQL的数据修改语言(DML)部分。
- The statements you use to add, change, or delete data are called data modification statements. 用于添加、更改或删除数据的语句称为数据修改语句。
- As in all data modification statements, you can change the data in only one table or view at a time. 像在所有数据修改语句中一样,您一次只能更改一个表或视图中的数据。
- This trigger lets the user specify the set of actions that must happen to process the data modification statement. 此触发器允许用户指定必须发生以处理数据修改语句的操作集合。
- You need language support for query and data modification for cross-domain applications. 您需要语言支持,以便对于跨域应用程序可以进行查询和数据修改。
- Data modification statements, therefore, typically request both shared locks and exclusive locks. 因此,数据修改语句通常请求共享锁和排他锁。
- A trigger is designed to check or change data based on a data modification or definition statement; it should not return data to the user. 触发器的用途是根据数据修改或定义语句来检查或更改数据;它不应向用户返回数据。
- Find the difference between the state of a table before and after a data modification and take actions based on that difference. 找出数据修改前后表的状态差异并基于该差异采取相应的措施。
- SQL Server locks users out of a specific row, column, or file automatically to maintain security or prevent concurrent data modification problems. SQL Server自动将用户锁在特定行、列或文件之外,来维护安全性或防止出现并发数据修改问题。
- Specifies whether underlying tables and associated indexes are available for queries and data modification during the index operation. 指定在索引操作期间基础表和关联的索引是否可用于查询和数据修改操作。
- Row versions that are generated by data modification transactions in a database that uses read-committed using row versioning isolation or snapshot isolation transactions. 由使用已提交读的快照隔离或快照隔离事务的数据库中数据修改事务生成的行版本。
- Row versions that are generated by data modification transactions in a database that uses snapshot or read committed using row versioning isolation levels. 由使用已提交读快照隔离或快照隔离级别的数据库中的数据修改事务生成的行版本。
- The data modification transactions that activate the trigger; adding new data (INSERT), updating existing data (UPDATE), or deleting existing data (DELETE). 激活该触发器的数据修改事务:添加新数据(INSERT)、更新现有数据(UPDATE)或删除现有数据(DELETE)。
- A WHERE clause search condition of a SELECT or data modification (SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE) statement to limit the rows that qualify for the query. SELECT或数据修改(SELECT、INSERT、DELETE或UPDATE)语句的WHERE子句搜索条件中,以限制符合查询条件的行。
- The XML column can store instances of both BOOK-V1 and BOOK-V2, and execute queries and data modification on XML instances that conform to these namespaces. XML列可以存储BOOK-V1和BOOK-V2的实例,并且可以对符合这些命名空间的XML实例执行查询和数据修改。