- data distribution panel 数据分配盘
- Check if the nameplates for all equipment of the UPS panel and distribution panel are complete. 检查UPS面板上设备名牌和分电板上的名牌是否安装完好。
- Depending on the data distribution, the concurrent bulk load streams might block each other. 并发大容量加载流可能会相互阻塞,这取决于数据的分布情况。
- Exchange spills are sometimes transient and may disappear as data distribution changes. 交换溢出有时是瞬态的,它们可能会随着数据分布的变化而消失。
- But the selectivity calculated in this way is not as accurate as selectivity calculated using data distribution. 但是,使用该方式计算的选择性不如使用数据分布计算的选择性准确。
- Histograms are popularly used to approximate data distribution by a small number of step functions. 长条图是靠著的一些小量的函式来储存,而且通常使用来估计资料的分布情形。
- Clustering is an important technique in Data Mining(DM) for the discovery of data distribution and latent data pattern. 聚类是数据挖掘中用来发现数据分布和隐含模式的一项重要技术。
- In this paper, a new data distribution strategy is described, which called the extend EVENODD codes (EEOD codes). 摘要在EVENODD码的基础上,提出一种新的基于EEOD码的数据布局分布策略。
- The type and parameters of the prior data distribution should be known in Bayesian method. 在贝叶斯处理中,必须确定先验分布的类型和分布参数。
- The data distribution of zenith opacities over the existing submillimeter observing sites are compared based on the observations. 0的时间比例约占3%25.;在给出实测资料的基础上;将所测量的亚毫米波不透明度与国际现有亚毫米波台址的不透明度进行了初步比较
- hand-operated distribution panel 手动操作配电盘
- Van Hook D J, Calvin J O. Data Distribution Management in RTI 1.3 [EB/OL]. http://dss.ll.mit.edu/dss.web/98S-SIW-206.html.May 1998. 何连跃.;分布虚拟战场环境中分级兴趣管理及其相关技术研究[D]
- alternating-current distribution panel 交流配电盘
- The algorithm can construct the histogram more precisely when the data distribution is skewed and is more suitable for the real-world data. 在资料分布是非常偏斜或是在现实生活的资料中,它可以更为准确的来压缩长条图。
- on-Orbit Station Distribution Panel 轨道站配电盘
- We performed a series of experiments, and the results show that our method has better accuracy when the data distribution is skewed. 我们做了一连串的实验,并且从实验的结果中显示,我们的方法在偏斜的资料分布下是更为精准的。
- alternating current distribution panel 交流配电盘, 交流配电屏
- Accurate estimate of data distribution and efficient partition of data space are the key problems in high-dimensional indexing schemes. 而对数据分布的精确描述及对数据空间的有效划分是高维索引机制中的关键问题。
- Since both of them have their own pros and cons, adaptive filtering which chooses the “right” filter according to data distribution is proposed. 由于它们各有利弊,提出了根据数据分布来选择合适的过滤器的自适应过滤法;
- The system adopts new data transmission and data distribution on the basis of GONIA system architecture.Then all modules of this system are discussed. 首先在GONIA的系统构架上作了新的数据分发和数据分布的策略,然后介绍了本系统的各个模块。