- data declaration statement 数据说明语句
- Data declaration is a non-executable statement that describes the characteristics of the data to be operated upon. 数据说明是一种非执行语句,描述所操作数据的特性。
- Clause in a declaration statement or an assignment statement. 可以在声明语句或赋值语句中使用。
- Only in a property or procedure declaration statement. 只能在属性或过程声明语句中使用。
- You can use a New clause in a declaration statement or an assignment statement. 可以在声明语句或赋值语句中使用New子句。
- To specify more than one Access method, use an additional attribute declaration statement. 若要指定多个Access方法,请额外使用一个属性声明语句。
- Every local variable must appear in a declaration statement before being used in any other kind of statement. 每个局部变量在用于其他任何类型的语句前必须出现在声明语句中。
- Note that the initial value you specify in a declaration statement is not assigned to a variable until execution reaches its declaration statement. 请注意,在开始执行变量的声明语句前,您在声明语句中指定的初始值并不会赋给该变量。
- They also tend to lead to some horrific data declarations. 他们还往往导致一些可怕的数据宣告。
- The focus shall be laid on the preciseness of the data declared. 主要核查申报数据的准确性。
- Add either the Sub or Function keyword to the Declare statement. 在Declare语句中添加Sub或Function关键字。
- Processing of data declared by States Parties, and the planning of inspections. 对缔约国所宣布数据的处理、及视察的规划。
- Move the Imports statement to the top of the source file, before any declaration statements. 将Imports语句移到源文件的顶部,放在任何声明语句之前。
- In Visual Basic, you use the Declare statement to specify the CharSet field. 在Visual Basic中可以使用Declare语句指定CharSet字段。
- When the code containing a declaration statement runs, Visual Basic reserves the memory required for the declared element. 在包含声明语句的代码运行时,Visual Basic会保留声明的元素所需的内存。
- It takes as input COBOL data declarations that define the input and output interfaces for a COBOL application. 它接受定义COBOL应用程序输入输出接口的输入COBOL数据声明。
- Year-round surveillance of tar and nicotine yield in cigarettes continued, with results published for public information and affirmation of the data declared by tobacco traders. 政府化验所继续负起监测香烟焦油和尼古丁含量的任务,每年刊登报告供公众查阅,并核实烟草商所标示的焦油和尼古丁含量。
- Works with a middle-tier business object to select, insert, update, delete, page, sort, cache, and filter data declaratively without extensive code. 使用中间层业务对象以声明方式对数据执行选择、插入、更新、删除、分页、排序、缓存和筛选操作。
- The XML enablement tool takes as input COBOL data declarations that define the input and output interfaces for a COBOL application. XML实现工具采用输入COBOL数据声明,该数据声明为COBOL应用程序定义输入输出接口。
- The Declare statement creates a reference to an external procedure and supplies this necessary information. Declare语句创建一个对外部过程的引用,并提供这些必需的信息。