- High-Speed High-Resolution Data Conversion System 高速率高精度数据采集系统的设计
- Simulation Data Conversion System 仿真数据转换系统
- Development of Embedded Network Data Conversion System 嵌入式网络数据转换系统的研究与开发
- Selection of Amplifier in Unpack Data Conversion System 数据转换系统中放大器的选择
- Design of bus-oganazied cable conversion system. 总线式缆芯转换系统的设计
- The system includes the modules of data acquiring, digital filtering, data conversion, digital zeroing and adjusting. 该系统包括数据采集、字滤波、据转换、数字调零和校准等模块。
- The system includes the modules of data acquiring,digital filtering,data conversion,digital zeroing and adjusting. 该系统包括数据采集、数字滤波、数据转换、数字调零和校准等模块。
- UML use case diagram, data conversion diagram (DFD), Z language. UML用例图,数据转换图(DFD),Z语言。
- The main function of this system is to realize the data conversion of different databases, the elimination isomerism and the retrieve of assigned data of the different database. 其主要功能是实现不同数据库之间的数据转换,消除异构,检索出异地数据库指定数据。
- Gasification-based energy conversion system options. (Image courtesy of OCW. 各种气体能源转化系统。(图由“麻省理工开放式课程”提供)。
- Bulk insert data conversion error (type mismatch) for row %d, column %d (%ls). 第 %251! 行、第 %252! 列(%253!)发生大容量插入数据转换错误(类型不匹配)。
- This control method was applied to a three phase AC/DC/AC conversion system. 该控制思想在三相AC/DC/AC系统中进行了实验验证。
- Such errors can include data conversion errors or expression evaluation errors. 此类错误可以包括数据转换错误或表达式计算错误。
- Data conversion errors also occur if the requested conversion is not supported. 如果不支持请求的转换,也会发生数据转换错误。
- However, in some applications, you need FIFO buffers for data conversion. 然而,在某些应用中,需要FIFO缓冲器实现数据转换。
- data conversion system 数据转换系统
- STL), then the use of RP technology for processing software will rapidly take its conversion system. STL文件),然后利用RP技术的专用软件进行处理将其转换成快速成形系统文件。
- The state-space model is one of the effective mathematical modelsto study the interaction between ocean waves and the wave energy conversion system. 状态空间模型是研究海洋波能转换系统相互作用的一种有效数学模型。
- A system that performs fast,real time data conversions between analog and digital computers. 一种可以在模拟计算机和数字计算机之间快速、实时地进行数据转换的系统。
- A new circuit is introduced which consists of EPROM and can generate a six channel trigger pulse required by the conversion system of three phase fully controlled bridge. 介绍一种用EPROM芯片构成能产生三相全控桥变流装置所需六路触发脉冲的新型电路。