- Data communications; data updates. 数据通讯; 数据更新
- data communications processor 数据传输处理器
- In data communications,the process in which a processor contacts a station in order to allow the station to transmit a message if it has one ready. 在数据通信技术中,为了使工作站在准备就绪时就能传输报文,在处理机和工作站之间进行联系的过程。
- Voice and Data Communications Handbook II. 最新语音和数据通信手册2。
- In data communications, a high bandwidth channel. 数据通信技术中,一种宽频带的信道。
- Association of Data Communications Users. 数据通信用户协会。
- In data communication, transmitted and received messages. 在数据通信过程中,被发送和接收的报文量。
- VCP? Vector Communication Processor? 向量通信处理器?
- VCP? Video Communication Processor? 视频通信处理器?
- In data communications, the process in which a processor contacts a station in order to allow the station to transmit a message if it has one ready. 在数据通信技术中,为了使工作站在准备就绪时就能传输报文,在处理机和工作站之间进行联系的过程。
- In data communications, a deterioration in the characteristics of a signal for whatever reason. 在数据通信中由于某种原因而造成的字符信号畸变现象。
- In data communications, the dividing of one or more information streams into a larger number of streams. 在数据通信中把一个或多个信息流分成个数更多的信息流的过程。
- In data communications, the transmission by a receiver of acknowledge characters as an affirmative response to a sender. 数据通信中,由接收方向发送方传送应答字符作为肯定回答的传输过程。
- data communication processor 数据通信处理机
- MPC860 consists of three major blocks:the Embedded PowerPC core,the System Interface Unit(or SIU),and the Communications Processor Module(or CPM). MPC860包括三个主要部分:嵌入式PowerPC内核、系统接口单元、通信处理器模块。
- APPLICATION wireless the public telephone,data communications. 用途:无线公话、数据通信。
- GuangDong Data Communication Network CO., LTD. 广东数据通信网络有限公司。
- Changzhou Bell Data Communication Equipments Co. 网站的其它信息。
- Data communication equipment (e.g. modem). 数据通讯设备:如调制解调器。
- Data communications are especially vulnerable over the wireless Internet. 数据通信在无线因特网上特别容易受到攻击。