- That is the rationale for dark energy. 但有没有可能是物理定律本身需要修正?
- Astronomical Novelty - What is Dark Energy? 天文新知甚么是黑暗能量?
- "The most plausible explanation is dark energy," Szapudi said. “最真实的解释就是黑暗能量”,扎普迪说。
- Perlmutter, who led the other team credited with discovering dark energy. 珀尔马特还领导着另外一个研究组,该组肩负着探索暗能量的任务。
- THE ANCIENT SUPERNOVAE also provided new clues about dark energy, the underlying cause of the cosmic speedup. 远古的超新星也提供了驱使宇宙加速膨胀之暗能量的相关新线索。
- Dark energy is a mysterious repulsive force that opposes gravity, causing the universe to expand. 暗能量是一种神秘的与万有引力相反的排斥力,它使宇宙膨胀。
- Dark energy is a repulsive force opposing gravity. It is thought to influence how dark matter clumps together. 暗能量是与引力相反的一种斥力。有人认为它们影响着暗物质如何聚集。
- Scientists report that only 4 per cent of the universe is visible. The rest is unknown dark matter and "dark energy". 科学家报告说只有4%25的宇宙可以被看见。其它部分是不明暗物质和“暗能量”。
- The necromancer hurls a bolt of dark energies against his enemies. 亡灵法师向对手射出一道带着黑暗能量的影束。
- When people think badly, they create the dark element, dark energy and woe to us. 当人们有坏的思想,就会产生黑暗的元素和黑暗的能量,使我们受苦。
- Until now, the proposed dark energy state of DNA was a little like the dark matter in the universe ? 至今,提出的DNA”黑暗状态“有点类似于宇宙中的暗物质??
- Both the cosmological constant and quintessence fall into the general category of dark energy. 不管是宇宙常数还是第五元素,都属于暗能量的?畴。
- Whereas ordinary matter undergoes a huge number of operations, dark energy behaves quite differently. 相对于普通物质经过大量的运算操作,暗能量的举措则大相迳庭。
- Only theories stipulating large variations in dark energy density have been ruled out. 只有那些暗能量密度变动太大的理论被排除在外。
- And if the dark energy is not vacuum energy at all, then its future impact on cosmic expansion is uncertain. 如果暗能量全然不是真空能量,那麽它未来对于宇宙膨胀的影响就不能确定。
- As for dark energy, physicists do not know what it is, let alone how to calculate how much information it can store. 至于暗能量,物理学家并不知道它究竟是什麽东西,更别说要如何计算它可储存的资讯量了。
- To begin, consider the supernovae that first led to the inference of dark energy. 首先,考虑首次引入暗能量的超新星。
- These gargantuan crabs were once affected by dark energy of Heresh, but now cured by Shalassa. 这些很大很大很大很大很大的螃蟹曾经被赫勒什的黑暗能量感染,但现在他们被沙拉萨治愈了。
- Dark energy, once cast in the shadows of matter, will have exacted its final revenge. 曾一度躲在物质背后的暗能量,终将执行其最后的复仇。
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。