- Today, Fuyou people are daring and energetic to devote into the cause of developing PP environmental study and office supplies. 今天,“福友”人满怀豪情,意气风发,以极大的热情投身于pp环保办公学习用品开发事业。
- For all his years, he was none the less active and energetic. 他虽年事已高,但仍生气勃勃,精力旺盛。
- They are young and energetic scientists. 他们是年富力强的科学家。
- He felt daring and idealistic and cosmopolitan. 他觉得自己大胆、有理想主义和世界主义的精神。
- The young man is handsome and energetic. 小伙子长得挺英俊的。
- They're all tall, and energetic too. 他们都是高个子,而且都活泼而神气。
- The Microsoft spirit is everlasting and energetic. 微软精神是一种追求永无止境的精神。
- It is the time to dare and endure. 现在是奋斗和忍耐的时刻。
- He is old but vigorous, and energetic as ever. 他老当益壮,精神不减当年。
- Dare and the world always yield. 大胆挑战,世界总会让步。
- You do look fresh and energetic. 啊,是你呀!你的确看起来容光焕发,精神饱满。
- Dare and the world always yields. 大胆挑战,世界总会让步!
- I always feel flexible and energetic. 我总是感觉灵活敏捷,精力充沛。
- I feel young, fresh and energetic. 我感觉年轻、轻松、精力充沛。
- You should be more daring and work for faster development. 可以胆子大点,发展快点。
- He is a professional and energetic film director. 他是一位专业的、精力充沛的电影导演。
- He was refreshed and energetic after a short nap. 他睡了一会儿,精气神儿又来了。
- They were rich in curiosity, and strong in daring and slang. 他们富于好奇心,敢于大胆说粗话。
- daring and energetic 意气风发
- They should rejoice in all its abundant fruits of daring and invention. 他们应尽情享受所有这些勇敢和创造的丰硕成果。