- collapse (dangerous rock bodies) 崩塌(危岩体)
- The effects of monitoring work on the Lianzi Cliff dangerous rock body controlling engineering 监测工作在链子崖危岩体防治工程中的重要作用
- The Disturbance of the Controlling Engineering Construction to the Lianzi Cliff Dangerous Rock Body 防治工程施工对链子崖危岩体的扰动
- dangerous rock body 危岩体
- Dangerous rocks shut up the passage. 危险的礁石堵住了航道。
- The biotite adamellite is the main metallogenetic rock body in the orefield. 晋宁晚期的岩浆活动强烈,黑云二长花岗岩是矿区主要成矿岩体。
- Irruptive rock body reservoir is one of important volcanic rock reservoirs. 摘要侵入岩体油气藏是火成岩油气藏的重要类型之一。
- There are dangerous rocks and shallows near the island. 岛的附近有险礁和浅滩。
- Ore-bearing rock body is located at the top of" magma tree" within the belt of dimicaceous granite-granitic pegmatite. 含矿岩体位于“岩浆树”顶端-二云母花岗岩-花岗伟晶岩带。
- Pointing down to the bottom of the cliff,he showed us the dangerous rocks. 他指着悬崖下边,给我们看一些危险的岩石。
- The Yuhuashan rock body in Jiangxi is a high-level composite plutonic complex,which hascompositional and structual evolutiOnary sequences. 玉华山岩体是一个高位复式深成杂岩体,具成分和结构演化序列。
- Pointing down to the bottom of the cliff, he showed us the dangerous rocks. 他指着悬崖下边,给我们看一些危险的岩石。
- For the laminated rock body it can be determined as horizontally isotropic continuous media in FEA. 对于层状岩体,在有限元方法中可将其当成横观各向同性的连续介质进行计算。
- The forebay of the Wokahe First cascade Hydro Station is located in the deformation rock body with a bad quality. 沃卡河一级水电站前池位于变形体上,岩体质量较差,具有不均性和强透水的特性,是西藏地区比较典型的地质条件之一,其基础处理难度较大。
- Dynamic mechanical phenomena such as rock bursting in colliery are necessarily related to micro-seism of rock body. 煤矿冲击矿压、矿震等煤岩动力现象,与岩体的微震事件有着必然联系。
- Ningshan rock body and Hannan rock body, They have differenf characteristic and mineral rescue. 汉中地区主要发育宁陕与汉南2个大型岩体,各具不同的特征与矿产资源。
- He was had up for dangerous driving. 他因危险驾驶而被控告。
- The meadows lay like a white sea, out of which the scattered trees rose like dangerous rocks. 那一片草原就好象白茫茫的大海,里面露出的那些零落稀疏的树木,就好象危险的礁石。
- The rock body in Tongshan is a composite one consisted of quartz diorite,granodiorite and adamellite,all of which were of the same magma source and epoch. 铜山岩体是在同一岩浆源,同一时期内由岩浆演化形成的石英闪长岩、花岗闪长岩和二长花岗岩组成的复式岩体。
- The time slice of coherent data body can unveil geological phenomena of fault,rock body margin,subsided column and unconformity. 对相干数据体作水平切片图,可揭示断层、岩性体边缘、陷落柱、不整合等地质现象。