- In large cities people breathe in dangerous gases from cars and chimneys. 在城市,人们吸进汽车、烟囱排放出来的有害气体。
- They say it cuts the smoke and dangerous gases by up to 70% compared to open fires or simple traditional stoves. 他们表示这种炉灶与明火或者简单的传统炉具相比可以减少70%25的烟尘和有害气体。
- The software could provide suitable means for preventing the leakage of dangerous gases and remedying after leakage. 编制了模拟软件可作为泄漏扩散事故的预防及发生事故后采取应急防护措施的分析工具。
- They say it cuts the smoke and dangerous gases by up to 80%, compared to open fires or simple traditional stoves. 他们说跟开放的火和传统的炉子比起来,它最多能减少80%25的烟和有毒气体。
- They say it cuts the smoke and dangerous gases by up to 80% compared to open fires or simply traditional stoves. 他们说这个新的发明与明火或者是简单传统的炉灶比能够切断至少80%25的烟和危险气体。
- There is no ventilation system and fire extinguisher for cylinder room which contains inflammable and dangerous gas. 放置易燃气体、危险气体的气瓶间无通风措施,且无灭火器。
- They say it cuts the smoke and dangerous gases by up to eighty percent compared to open fires or simple traditional stoves. 他们说这可以减少烟雾和危险气体的排放,同开放生火和普通炉子比较可以减少百分之八十的的排放。
- They say it cuts the smoke and dangerous gases by up to 80 percent compared to open fires or simple traditional stoves . 他们说相比于明火或是简单的传统炉灶,这种新型的炉灶减少了80%25的烟尘和有害气体。
- They say it cuts the smoke and dangerous gases by up to eighty percent compare to open fires or simple traditional stoves. 他们说相比明火和简单的传统炉灶,这种炉灶的烟尘和有害气体的排放量下降了百分之八十以上。
- In 1984 there was a serious accident at a factory in India and a cloud of dangerous gas covered the town of Bhopal. 1984年,印度一家工厂发生了一起严重事故。一团有危险的气体笼罩着博帕尔市。
- They say it cuts the smoke and dangerous gases by up to 80% compare(compared) to open fires or simple traditional stoves. 他们称,和开放式炉子或比较简单的传统炉子相比,这种炉子可以减少80%25的烟和有害气体。
- SnO2 is a kind of surface-control sensing material, and have high sensitivity to combustible and dangerous gases, such as CO, hydrocarbons ,ethanol etc. SnO2是一种表面控制型氧化物气体敏感材料,对许多可燃性气体,如氢、一氧化碳、甲烷、乙醇等都具有相当高的灵敏度,这与其利用半导体表面吸附来控制电导率的气敏机理有关。
- By inserting long tubes down to the lake bottom, the gas-filled water siphons up to the surface, venting the dangerous gas. 用一根长管子插到湖的底部,将包含气体的水虹吸到表面上来,排掉危险的气体。
- He was had up for dangerous driving. 他因危险驾驶而被控告。
- By ternary composition chart,the projects of inerting disposal may conveniently and easily be designed,which include programming of inerting operation and controlling concentration of dangerous gases. 储罐退役之前,一般要进行惰化处理,以降低可燃气体浓度,避免形成爆炸性混合气体。
- Stay in concealment until the danger has passed. 藏着别动,等危险过后再出来。
- They say it cuts the smoke and dangerous gasses gases by up to eighty percent compared to open fires or simple traditional stoves. 他们说,相比于以往的明火和简单的传统型炉灶,清洁型柴炉减少了80%25的烟雾和有害气体。
- That's where the real danger lies. 这正是真正的危险所在。
- It is dangerous to walk on thin ice in a lake. 在湖中薄冰上行走是很危险的。
- It's dangerous to be so near to the tiger. 离老虎那么近是很危险的。