- damped electron oscillator 衰减电子振荡器
- Materials - Interaction of light with matter (classical electron oscillator model), absorption, emission, gain, plasmas. 8 8物质?光与物质的交互作用(传统电子震荡模型),吸收,放光,光增强,等离子体。
- The electron oscillates parallel to the electric field and at the same frequency, but it does not necessarily oscillate in phase with the light wave. 该电子以相同的频率来作平行于电场的振动,但此振动不见得和原光波同相位。
- The party was a bit of a damp squib. 这次聚会有些扫兴。
- The amplitudes and phases of these electron oscillations in turn determine how the light wave propagates through the material and thereby confer on the material its optical properties. 而电子振动的振幅与相位,则反过来决定了光波在物质中如何传播,这也就构成了物质的光学性质。
- Leather can deteriorate in damp conditions. 皮革受潮可变质。
- It is well known that to start oscillation, every electronic oscillator, including of course the laser, must have a gain slightly in excess of the loses. 如所周知,每一个电子振荡器,当然包括激光器在内,都必须有稍大于损耗的增益才能开始振荡。
- Bread tends to mould in damp weather. 气候潮湿时,面包容易长霉。
- The damp climate seriously disagreed with her. 潮湿的气候使她感到很不舒服。
- We damped the fire down before we went to bed. 我们临睡觉前封好了火。
- I find that damp weather plays hell with my rheumatism. 我发现潮湿的天气使我的风湿病更严重了。
- These damp matches won't strike. 这些潮湿的火柴划不著。
- Their damp drafty house was scarcely habitable. 他们潮湿透风的屋子不宜住人。
- It's damp and cold. I think it's going to rain. 空气又冷又潮,我看是要下雨了。
- Damp the cloth before you clean the windows. 在擦玻璃窗之前,把揩布弄湿。
- The cheese molded in the damp cellar. 乳酪在潮湿的地下室中长了霉。
- There's still damp in these clothes. 这些衣服还有点潮。
- The damp climate here disagrees with my mother. 这儿潮湿的气候不适合我母亲。
- In classical optics the amplitudes are small enough that the electrons' oscillation velocities are always very small compared with the speed of light. 古典光学中,由于振幅很小,以致振动的速度与光速相较根本微不足道。