- The famous actress is suing the tabloids for libel. 这位知名的女演员正以诽谤罪起诉数家通俗小报。
- He sued the newspaper for libel. 他控告那家报社犯有诽谤罪。
- The famous actre is suing the tabloids for libel. 这位知名的女演员正以诽谤罪起诉数家通俗小报。
- She sued a newspaper for libel . 我要以诽谤罪控告你。
- What are the damage for the wash job of my car? 清洗我的车要多少钱?
- He issue writ for libel in connection with allegation make in a Sunday newspaper. 他发布了与星期日报纸声明有关的诽谤调查令。
- Check no damage for fan blades and turbine blades. 检查风扇叶片和涡轮叶片无损坏迹象。
- If you attack him by innuendo, you will be sued for libel. 如果你对他含沙射影,你将被控告为诽谤罪。
- Check no damage for fan blades and turbine blades . 检查风扇叶片和涡轮叶片无损坏迹象。
- If you attack him by innuendo, you'll be sued for libel. 如果你对他含沙射影,你将被控告为诽谤罪。
- Little S and Aya are considering suing a magazine for libel. 小S和阿雅在考虑控告一间杂志社诽谤。
- damage for libel 因诽谤所致的损害赔偿
- It would be helpful for me to see the damage for myself. 要能亲眼看看造成的破坏会对我有所帮助。
- He cannot accuse me of libel because he was just successfully sued for libel. 举例:他不能控告我诽谤,因为他刚刚因为诽谤而被起诉成功。
- I'm glad too, but the damage for renting the car is pretty bad. 什么?这辆租的车也坏了?哟,那怎么办呐!
- The SUBSTITUTE took damage for HattoriHenji's MEDICHAM! 冲浪打掉替身!
- She decided to sue for libel after the newspaper smeared her private life. 她决定起诉这家报纸对其私生活进行诬蔑。
- The healer heals all standard damage for your company as well. 治疗者也治疗你军队的一般伤害。
- If they are rich and the article is defamatory, they can sue for libel. 若是有钱人家,而报纸刊登的文章又确是恶意中伤,那么他可以诽谤罪向法院起诉。
- Searing Totem (Rank 4) now does the proper damage for its rank. 灼热图腾(等级4)的伤害已经修改正确。