- dairy cow spleen 奶牛脾脏
- The purified biliverdin reductase from cow spleen was a mono-mer protein with a molecular weight of about 34000. 纯牛脾胆绿素还原酶是分子量约34,000的单体蛋白质。
- Function、use、effect、and problem of bovine somatotrop(BST) on lactation of dairy cow were elucidated in the article. 本文对牛生长激素(BST)对奶牛泌乳的作用机制、应用方法、效果及带来的问题等方面进行了论述。
- They raise dairy cows, hogs and chickens, too. 他们还饲养奶牛、猪和鸡。
- XIE Xian-Sheng. The effect of arginine on dairy cow sex. Animal Husbandry &Veterinary Medicine, 2003, 35(12): 19?20. 谢献胜.;精氨酸对奶牛后代性别控制的试验
- The result indicated that use of BST on nutritional metabolism and milk production of dairy cow could be raised. 说明了BST的应用确实可以调整奶牛体内营养物质的代谢水平和大幅度提高产奶量。
- The objective of this study was to explore new means of dairy cow mastitis treatment. 摘要[目的]寻找治疗奶牛乳房炎的新途径。
- The dairy farm keeps many dairy cows. 乳牛场饲养了很多乳牛。
- So it is feasible to use mice for assaying potency of the inactivated vaccine against dairy cow chlamydiosis,thus replacing target animal dairy cow. 结果表明,用小鼠做牛衣原体灭活疫苗的效检动物模型是可行的。
- Bretzlaff K.Rationale for Treatment of Endometritis in the Dairy Cow[J].Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract,1987,(3):5932. 吴金海;李德生;汪志;等.;复合溶菌酶剂治疗奶牛子宫内膜炎的试验效果[J]
- Japanese health authorities have reported the country's 10th case of mad cow disease, after a suspected dairy cow was confirmed to have the disease after a series of tests. 日本卫生部报告出现了第10例疯牛病,一只可疑的乳牛在一系列的测试之後被确诊患有疯牛病。
- OTTAWA, February 26, 2008 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has confirmed bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in a six-year-old dairy cow from Alberta. 渥太华2008年2月26日电加拿大食品检疫局(CFIA)已经证实在艾伯塔省发现一头六岁大的奶牛患有疯牛病(BSE)。
- The negative cation-anionic difference(DCAD) can increase the concentration of blood-ionized Ca of dairy cow before calving and mitigate responsiveness to Ca homeostatic hormones. 负的阴阳离子差可以增加血液中离子钙浓度,增强钙平衡调节激素的反应。
- The land is used mainly for dairy cows to produce fresh milk . 这片土地主要用来养奶牛,让它们产出新鲜牛奶。
- The relationships between dairy farming scale in Hokkaido and land utilization system were discussed, and the relationships between dairy cow's faeces and urine and land utilization were studied further. 本文阐明北海道奶牛业经营规模扩大过程与土地利用方式之间持有什么样的相互依存关系来展开,并从土地利用角度进一步研究了奶牛生产粪尿产生与土地利用之间的关系。
- Having been identified and safety-tested, the above bacteria were mixed and cultivated to inoculate and ferment raw medium to microbiological culture BLS which was used to feed dairy cow. 经鉴定和安全试验,上述三株菌混合后的联合培养物,接种生料发酵制成微生态制剂BLS,饲喂泌乳牛。
- Alfalfa hay have more RDP and less RUP, DDGS have more RUP and less RDP, ideal ratio of RDP to RUP in diet of high producing dairy cow can be attained when using alfalfa with DDGS. 苜蓿干草属于高RDP 饲料,DDGS 属于高RUP 饲料,用一定比例的苜蓿干草和DDGS 配合可以使高产奶牛日粮的RDP-RUP比例达到日粮设计的理想要求。
- Abstract : Ketosis is a common nutrition metabolic disease of dairy cows. 摘要 : 酮病是奶牛的一种重要的营养代谢病。
- Rapid Extraction of Non-single TF from Milch Cow Spleen with PEF Aid PEF辅助快速提取非特异性奶牛脾脏转移因子的实验研究
- Selection for Increased Production and the Welfare of Dairy Cows: Are New Breeding Goals Needed? 产奶量增多的基因选择与奶牛福利:是否需要新的育种目标?