- He controls two daily newspapers and four local weeklies. 他控制了两家日报和四家地区性周报。
- We have several daily newspapers on sale. 我们卖多种日报。
- There are around 8000 daily newspapers worldwide. 全世界约有8000种日报。
- Mr.Moore takes two daily newspapers. 摩尔先生订两份日报。
- He writes for the daily newspaper. 他为那家日报撰稿。
- They subscribe to a monthly magazine in addition to several daily newspapers. 除了几份日报以外,他们还订了一份月刊。
- Select national dailies first. Then select regional or local daily newspapers. 首先选取全国性报纸。再选取地区性或本地日报。
- He was reading a copy of the daily newspaper. 他正在看一份日报。
- But you gave short shrift to the fact that in many cases those online visitors are reading content written and posted by the staffs at the websites of mainstream daily newspapers. 可是,你却没有对这样的一个事实给予足够的关注,很多情况下,网络读者所阅读的内容都是由那些主流日报的网站工作人员撰写和发布的。
- Overall, weekday circulation at US daily newspapers fell 2.1 percent during the same reporting period. 同一时期,美国所有日报的平日发行量平均下跌了2.;1%25。
- He obtained permission to edit a daily newspaper. 他得到许可编一份日报。
- The film critics group, which has been issuing awards since 1935, is comprised of 35 New York-based film critics from daily newspapers, weekly newspapers and magazines. 纽约电影评论协会自1935年开始就颁发奖项,由35纽约日报,周报和杂志社的电影评论栏目组成。
- Article 24 A securities firm that underwrites securities shall make a public announcement of the underwriting and shall publish such announcement in local daily newspapers. 第24条证券商承销有价证券,应办理承销公告,并应登载于当地之日报。
- Under his direction, Hill &Knowlton arranged hundreds of meetings, briefings, calls and mailings directed toward the editors of daily newspapers and other media outlets. 在他的授意下,伟达公关向日常媒体和其他媒体发出了成百上千的会议,简报,电话和邮件。
- For the old lady buying the daily newspaper soon became an end in itself, since she really just wanted to chat with the shopkeeper. 那老太太每天去买报纸,不多时便觉乐在其中,因为她主要是想和店主聊天。
- Hong Kong's news media include 50 daily newspapers,693periodicals,two commercial television companies,a subscription television service,a regional satellite television service,one government radio-television station,and two commercial radio stations. 本港的新闻传播媒介,除了每日印行50份报章,以及定期出版693份刊物外,还包括两间私营电视公司、一间提供收费电视服务的有线电视公司、一间为亚太区提供卫星电视服务的公司、一个兼备广播和电视部的政府电台和两个商业电台。
- He sells daily newspapers. 他卖日报。
- He learn everyday English from daily newspaper every day. 他每日从日报上学习日常英语。
- He likes reading the daily newspaper at breakfast each morning. 他喜欢每天在吃早餐时看日报。
- I subscribe to one daily newspaper and one weekly magazine. 我订了一份日报,一份周报。