- And the last three rather small exons together code for the cytoplasmic domain. 最后三个相对较小的外显子共同编码胞浆结构域。
- The only difference in the genes for human transplantation antigens is that their cytoplasmic domain is coded by only two exons. 人类移植抗原基因的唯一不同是其胞浆结构域仅由两个外显子编码。
- large cytoplasmic domain polypeptide 大细胞质结构域多肽
- small cytoplasmic domain polypeptide 胞质小结构域多肽
- Military history is really outside my domain. 我对军队史实在一窍不通。
- cytoplasmic domain 胞浆区
- The kitchen is my wife's domain, she doesn't like me going into it. 厨房是我妻子的领地,她不愿让我进去。
- The conspirators were banished from the king's domain. 阴谋家们被赶出了国王的领土。
- Enucleate cytoplasm can still synthesize protein. 去核的细胞质仍然能合成蛋白质。
- They are stockpiled in the cytoplasm. 它们堆积在细胞质中。
- The intact cytoplasm of a single cell. 细胞质单细胞中未受损伤的细胞质
- Physics is within [out of] his domain. 物理是[不是]他的专长。
- PASd may show granular cytoplasmic mucin stain . PAS染色可显示颗粒状的粘液斑点胞质。
- The domain of our country is vast. 我国领域广大。
- The lipofuscin increased in cytoplasm. 脂褐素增加;
- The air is not the domain of winged beasts alone. 天空并不是有翼动物的专有领域。
- The cytoplasm is about 90% water. 细胞质90%25都是水。
- A set of values of a function corresponding to a particular subset of a domain. 像,像点函数中与某一集合中特定变量相对应的变量
- Basophilic stippling can be seen in the cytoplasm. 胞浆内可见嗜碱性点彩。
- Each of her cousins had charge of his own domain. 她的每一个亲属主管着自己的领地。