- cyte sine arabinoside 阿糖胞苷
- The hearing is adjourned sine die. 审讯被无限期地推迟。
- Patience is a sine qua non for a good teacher. 做个优秀教师必不可少的条件是要有耐心。
- The old man died sine prole in his 80th year. 这老头80岁去世,身后无子女。
- The meeting will adjourn sine die. 这个会议将会无限期休会。
- Sine I was too late,I did not watch the game. 由于我来的太晚了,没有看上比赛。
- Parliament was dismissed sine die. 议会无限期地休会
- The assembly adjourned sine die. 此集会无限期延迟。
- Agreement by the management is a sine qua non of all employment contract. 管理部门的同意就是所有雇用合同的必要条件。
- Arc sine x is an angle whose sine is x. 反正弦x是一个其弦为x的角。
- Have you used any hotel service sine breakfast? 吃完早饭后你用过饭店的服务吗?
- The hearing is adjourn sine die. 审讯被无限期地推迟。
- Sin() returns the sine of the arg parameter. sin()返回参数arg的正弦值。
- Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle. 返回指定角度的双曲正弦值。
- Returns the sine of the specified angle. 返回指定角度的正弦值。
- The sin() function returns the sine of a number. 函数的作用是:返回一个数字所对应的正弦值。
- Sugar is a sine qua non ingredient in any kind of cake. 任何糕点中,糖都是不可缺少的原料。
- The meeting adjourned sine die . 会议无限期延期。
- Sine fama et fortuna patria non valet. 没有名声和财富,国家不会强盛。
- VHD - functions: the sine wave generated 156.25KHz. VHD --功能:产生156.;25KHz的正弦波。