- The bicycle and the young man on it were unbelievably shortened in the direction of their motion, as if seen through a cylindrical lens. 自行车和上面的年轻人都不可思议的沿着他们的运动方向被缩扁了,就像透过柱面透镜看一样。
- Finally, the values of the OAM of the beam light which have transmitted through the cylindrical lens are also calculated and the results are discussed. 利用傍轴近似计算了这两种偏振态光束通过一个柱面透镜后所具有的轨道角动量。
- If the objective lens is closer to the compact disk than the focal length of the object lens, then the cylindrical lens creates an elliptical image on the photodetector array. 如果物镜与光盘之间的距离短于物镜的焦距,柱面透镜就会使在光电探测器阵列上的成像变成椭圆影像。
- A new kind of cylindrical lens array (CLA), named as hybrid element cylindrical lens array (HECLA), which composed of a few whole elements and two half elements, is proposed in this paper. 提出了结构新颖的混合单元柱面透镜列阵 (HECL A)系统 ,在该系统中引入了半单元结构。
- If the objective lens is further away from the compact disk than the focal length of the object lens, then the cylindrical lens again creates an elliptical image on the photodetector array. 如果物镜与光盘之间的距离长于物镜的焦距,柱面透镜也会使在光电探测器阵列上的成像变成椭圆影像。
- The purpose of studying this project is that as the benchmark plane the laser planethat is produced through cylindrical lens can be used to measure minutely based onthe stability of the laser plane. 本课题研究的主要目的在于利用激光束通过柱面透镜产生的激光平面作为基准平面,并依靠激光平面的稳定性来进行系统的精密测量。
- Cylindrical lens boosts amplifier beam quality 柱面透镜提高放大器的光束质量
- Orthogonal cylindrical lens arrays 正交柱透镜列阵
- variable focal length cylindrical lens 变焦(距)透镜
- The twisted Laguerre-Gaussian beam was generated by transforming of Hermite-Gaussian beams through an optical system consisting of three rotated cylindrical lenses. 研究了采用扭转三柱面镜光学系统将厄米-高斯光束变换成为具有轨道角动量的拉盖尔-高斯扭转对称光束。
- The lensometers is also called measural lens dioptre instrument,to measure spherical lens dioptre,cylindric lens dioptre and axis,prism dioptre,and lens optical center etc. 顶焦度计又称对光机、查片机,可用来测量球光镜镜度、散光镜镜度、棱镜镜度以及散光轴线和光学中心点等,是眼镜片冷加工中必不可少的检测仪器。
- This lens can magnify 20 diameter. 这个透镜能放大20倍。
- A novel technique that a broad-area diode laser is directly coupled to a cylindrical lensed multimode fiber is presented to improve the fiber coupling efficiency and alignment tolerance. 为了提高半导体激光器与光纤耦合的耦合效率和失配容忍度,提出了利用带柱状楔形微透镜的多模光纤与大功率单片式宽发射域半导体激光器进行耦合的新技术。
- Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary. 可能有必要调节一下镜头。
- Do you have soft contact lens care product? 有没有软性隐型眼镜保养用品?
- He uses lens to make things appear clearer. 他用镜片以便看东西更清楚些。
- The lens is often used to make telescopes. 镜片常被用来做成望远镜。
- Don't smear the lens; I've just polished it. 别把镜头弄脏了,我刚刚擦过。