- Multi-CPU control structure is used in the most cycloconverter vector control systems. 全数字化同步电动机交-交变频矢量控制系统大多采用多微机控制。
- Vector control system was modeled and simulated with MATLAB/Simulink software. 采用MATLAB/Simulink对控制系统进行了仿真建模与研究。
- I.Boldea and S.A.Nasar, Vector Control of AC Drives, CRC Press, 1992. 刘昌焕,“交流电机控制”,东华书局,中华民国九十二年五月。
- Vector control of inverter allowed power factor regulation of the windmill. 对网侧逆变器采用矢量控制来调节风电系统的功率因数。
- Keywords Cycloconverter;Control system;Vector control; 交-交变频器;主传动;系统构成;控制功能;
- Keywords cycloconverter;vector control;synchronous mot; 交交变频;矢量控制;同步电机;
- WHO has also provided technical support and materials (sprayers and insecticide) for vector control activities. 世卫组织还为媒介控制活动提供了技术支持和物资(喷雾器和杀虫剂)。
- Similarly, Maldives has received support for their social mobilization activities on dengue vector control. 同样,马尔代夫已就其登革热媒介控制的社会动员活动获得支持。
- Vector control spraying, human and animal surveillance and social mobilization activities are continuing. 媒介控制喷洒、人和动物监测以及社会动员活动仍在继续进行。
- The control mode has developed from early U\f control mode to vector control technology and pulse width modulation. 控制方式也从早期的电压;频率控制方式发展到向量控制技术和冲宽度调制技术。
- Method pcDNA3.1(+)-Per2 was transfected into EMT6 cells and paralleled with the vector control pcDNA3.1(+). 方法将pcDNA3.;1(+)-Per2转导入EMT6细胞内;同时设立转染空质粒pcDNA3
- D. W. Novotny and T. A. Lipo, Vector Control and Dynamics of AC Drives, Oxford University Press, New York, 1996. 徐台联,“感应伺服驱动器控制参数调适,”硕士论文,国立台湾科技大学电机研究所,民国八十七年五月。
- The indirect vector control system based on DSP are studied , simulated and system realized in the thesis. 本论文主要对基于高速数字信号处理器(DSP)的异步电动机间接矢量控制系统进行研究、并对控制系统进行仿真和用硬件实现该控制系统。
- Direct torque control (DTC)is a high performance control method after vector control. 直接转矩控制 (DTC)是继矢量控制后的一种高性能控制方法。
- Direct torque control(DTC) is a high performance AC motor control method following vector control. 直接转矩控制(DTC)是继矢量控制后的一种高性能交流电机控制方法。
- D. W. Novotny, T. A. Lipo, Vector control and dynamics of AC drives, Oxford, 1996. 刘昌焕,交流电机控制:向量控制与直接转矩控制原理,东华书局,2001。
- The thrust vector control(TVC) performance test of solid rocket motor is presented in this paper. 本文介绍了固体火箭发动机水下推力矢量特性试验。
- CLV control method based on the stator flux orientated vector control put forward. 从电机的动态数学模型出发,提出了一个基于定子磁场定向的矢量控制恒线速运行控制方案。
- This paper introduces the block diagram of NPC three-level inverters and the principle of space voltage vector control. 介绍了二极管中点箝位型三电平逆变器主电路的结构和空间电压矢量控制的原理。
- A novel space vector control strategy is proposed for four-leg three-level shunt active power filter(APF). 提出一种新型的四桥臂三电平并联有源电力滤波器(APF)的空间矢量控制策略。