- In order to estimate the degradation of undrained shear strength of marine sily clay, the cyclic triaxial test results of undisturbed and remolded marine silty clay samples are needed. 建议以少量原状土样,配合大量重塑土样的动三轴试验结果,实现对实际海洋粘土地基在波浪荷载作用后的静不排水抗剪强度衰化规律的评估。
- A series of undrained cyclic triaxial tests were performed on soft clays including undisturbed and remolded samples. 在此基础上,结合一个循环荷载作用下的动孔压模型,进行了饱和软黏土的动三轴模拟试验。
- A series of undrained and drained cyclic triaxial tests have been done to study the cyclic behavior of a Nanhai marine silty soil. 通过一系列不排水及排水条件下的周期三轴试验,对南海海洋粉质土的动力特性进行了研究。
- Cyclic triaxial tests are conducted on saturated sand in drained condition with cyclic loading and unloading of deviatoric stress and constant spherical stress. 在固结排水条件下保持球应力不变,进行了偏应力往返作用下的动三轴试验,分析了饱和砂土的体积变形特性。
- This research investigates the liquefaction resistance and the maximum shear modulus of Hsin-Dian sand by using cyclic triaxial tests together with bender element tests. 摘要:本研究以新店砂作液化阻抗及最大剪力模数之探讨,而试验方法为动力三轴配合弯曲元件试验。
- Based on the results of cyclic triaxial tests on the reconstituted ariake clay, a empirical model ispresented for predicting the cyclic behaviour of soft clay. 在试验结果的基础上,提出了动力荷载作用下计算软粘土残余变形的模式。
- cyclic triaxial test 动三轴试验
- undrained cyclic triaxial test 不排水循环三轴试验
- Through field test on dynamic response of subgrade and laboratory test on cyclic triaxial experiment, this paper studies the problems that how traffic load act on the subgrade. 本文通过路基动力响应的现场试验,并结合室内循环三轴试验,对交通荷载对路基动力作用的问题进行了研究。
- cyclic triaxial tests 循环三轴试验
- The dynamic characteristics of loess in Irkutsk,Russia are studied by using the dynamic triaxial test. 利用动三轴实验系统 ;对俄罗斯伊尔库茨克地区黄土的动力特性进行了研究 .
- An example of large scale triaxial test was taken to prove the rationality of the present model. 并通过一个大型三轴剪切试验的算例,说明了该模型的合理性。
- A digital image processing technique for measuring the specimen deformation in triaxial test is presented. 提出了一种三轴土样径向变形的计算机数字图像测量方法。
- Rock rupture caused by decreasing the minimum principal stress was studied with Mogi's general triaxial test machine. 过去曾用常规的三轴试验机研究过减小围压引起的岩石破坏。这种实验的局限性在于中等主应力和最小主应力始终保持相等。
- The dynamic elastic modulus and damping ratio of normally consolidated soft clay subjected to undrained cyclic triaxial loading are investigated at different initial deviator stresses. 通过对萧山正常固结饱和软黏土进行应力控制的循环三轴试验,着重研究了初始偏应力对动弹模量(土动剪模量)及阻尼比的影响。
- The correlation between cyclic liquefaction resistance of undisturbed and remolded saturated loose silts was studied using the cyclic triaxial apparatus with measurements of shear wave velocity. 摘要采用剪切波速与振动三轴联合试验装置,研究了具有松散结构的原状和重塑饱和粉土抗液化强度之间的相关性。
- For the purpose of comparison,the triaxial test method with unchanging side pressure,and increasing axial pressure are else experimented in parallel. 为了比较,对保持侧压,增加轴压的常规方法也进行平行试验。
- The different influences on tangent bulk modulus of conventional triaxial test and isotropic compression test were considered. 考虑了常规三轴试验和各向同性压缩试验对切线体积模量的影响。
- YANG Zhi-fa.Making sure of control parameters of triaxial test at continuous failure state by tracing[J].Scientia Geologica Sinica,1985 (3):266-273. [3]杨志法.;用追踪法确定连续破坏状态三轴试验的控制参数[J]
- Test Method for Load Controlled Cyclic Triaxial Strength of Soil 土壤的负荷控制三向疲劳强度的测试方法