- Reinforced concrete slab specimens were subjected up to 70 cycles of wetting and drying by ponding 4.0% sodium chloride solution and drying in atmospheric air. 钢筋混凝土版试样以浓度4%25之氯化钠溶液浸置其表面再于空气中乾燥,反覆乾湿循环70次。
- Under continuous cycles of wetting and drying,chloride ion-containing water is absorbed by capillary suction of unsaturated concrete,which accelerates reinforcement corrosion. 干湿交替条件下,含氯离子的海水通过毛细管吸入作用侵入不饱和混凝土,加速了混凝土中钢筋的锈蚀。
- cycles of wetting and drying 干湿循环
- Its sculptors were cycles of hot and cold, wet and dry, as well as blowing sand, which caused the sloughing off of shards scattered at the base. 它的雕刻家是周期的炎热和寒冷,潮湿和干燥,以及扬沙,从而导致脱落的破片离开并散落在其底部 。
- Cycle of wetting and drying 干湿间隙浸种
- This pedestal rock began as a mass of pebbly sandstone.Its sculptors were cycles of hot and cold, wet and dry, as well as blowing sand, which caused the sloughing off of shards scattered at the base. 这个石基座本是一个大块含砾砂砂岩,它被冷热温度、干湿气候以及风沙循环雕琢,底部散落的碎石因此而来。
- Fire fighter elk skin gloves provide superior dexterity even after repeated periods of wetting and drying. 消防员用的粗皮手套即使是在重复的干湿交替中也能保持其优良的灵活性。
- The differences in the irrecoverable strain for wet and dry rocks are the reasons for the differences between the Young's moduli of wet and dry rocks. 即使在较低的应力条件下,阻尼器的应变比以往研究中所认为的应变要大很多。
- It has good anti-chalking performance, good anti-cracking performance, and good salt-fog resistance, water resistance and alternation of wetting and drying performance.It has longer lifetime. 抗粉化、抗裂纹性能优异,耐盐雾、耐水和干湿交替性能良好,寿命长。
- Meanwhile intact soil cores C2H2 incubation test was performed in the lab to study influences of wet and dry alternated on the N2O emission so that further to explain the field results. 并采用乙炔抑制原状土柱培养法,对土壤由湿变乾和由乾变湿过程中N2O变化进行了模拟。
- alternation of wetting and drying 干湿交替
- Neitherdoes this season hot nor cold. So does wet and dry. 不管这个季节是热环是冷,干燥环是潮湿
- A simple wet and dry pit should see to most of your needs. 一个简单的干湿坑应能满足你的需要。
- Study on a New Method of Wet and Dry Classification of One Type Runoff 一种径流丰枯分类的新方法研究
- This is the cycle of economic booms and slumps. 这是经济繁荣和经济萧条的周期变化。
- This study evaluated the recycling potential of bagasse CEH and DQP bleached pulps.These pulps were subjected to cycles of sheet-making, pressing and drying. 在实验室通过纸页成形、压榨、干燥模拟造纸过程,研究了CEH和DQP两种漂白蔗渣浆循环回用过程中纸浆性质的变化。
- Analyzing the blockage of wet and dry slag hopper in PA filtration unit 磷酸过滤系统干、湿渣斗堵塞情况的分析
- This sort of wet weather plays hell with my chest. 这种潮湿天气对我的肺有害。