- The ac signal can be sampled cycle by cycle continuously without the requirement that the sampling frequency must he the integer or rational number times of the ac signal frequency. 交流信号被逐个周波地采样,而不必满足采样频率必须等于交流信号频率的整数倍或有理分数倍这一条件。
- I go to school by cycle every day. 我每天骑自行车上学。
- He took two hours to arrive in the latest museum by cycle. 他骑车花了两个小时才到达那个新建的博物馆。
- He caused his parents great anxiety by cycling long distances alone. 他独自骑自行车远行,父母非常担心。
- Flow cytometry was used to study the effect on cell cycle by AraC alone and in combination with EGCG. 以流式细胞光度仪分析联合用药前后对细胞周期和细胞凋亡的影响。
- Offer them more money,and they continue the cycle by also increasing their spending. 给他们更多的钱,他们就会以更高的开支重复这种循环。
- You can track issues that arise throughout the project life cycle by using the Issues page to view and submit issues. 通过使用“问题”页查看并提交问题,您可以跟踪整个项目周期内出现的问题。
- Oxaloacetate is formed in the last step of the citric acid cycle by the NAD+-dependent oxidation of L-malate. 草酰乙酸在三羧酸循环的最后一步通过NAD+-依赖的L-苹果酸的氧化来合成。
- Offer them more money, and they continue the cycle by also increasing their spending. 给他们更多的钱,他们就会以更高的开支重复这种循环。
- He cause his parents great anxiety by cycling long distance alone. 他独自骑自行车远行,父母非常担心。
- Methods The level of somatostatin was measured in uterus and blood of mouse during genesial cycle by radioimmunoassay. 方法应用放射免疫方法检测小鼠生殖周期不同阶段子宫和血生长抑素的水平。
- He goes to work by cycle. 他骑自行车上班。
- Triathlon begins with swimming,followed by cycling and running. 铁人三项开始是游泳,然后是自行车和赛跑。
- Based on the Germanic myth" Das Nibelungenlied" and the Nordic" Volsunga Saga" which also inspired the four-opera cycle by Richard Wagner and J. 根据德国民间诗史《尼白龙根之歌》和北欧《沃尔松格传说》改编。
- Triathlon begins with swimming, followed by cycling and running. 铁人三项开始是游泳,然后是自行车和赛跑。
- Cycle by cycle analysis 循环分析
- cycle by cycle device 调频限制器
- The article studied the dynamic change rules of LDH, MDH and G -6 -PDH in periglottis cells of tongues in differente phase of sexual Cycle by ? 本研究运用细胞化学技术,对10例正常月经妇女和10例月经先期患者舌粘膜上皮细胞的LDH、MDH、G-6-PDH三项指标,在月经周期不同时相中动态变化规律进行了对比研究。
- Many scenarios for global warming, for example, invoke a speedup in the hydrological cycle by which water evaporates and then comes down as rain. 例如,全球气候变暖的许多现象引起了水文循环的加速,其形式是水分的蒸发上升,然后以雨的形式降落至地面。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。