- cyaniding CIL 氰化炭浸
- Keywords refractory gold ore;heap bio leaching oxidation;cyanidation CIL; 难浸金矿石;堆式细菌氧化;氰化炭浸;
- This is a book and that is a pen 0 cil. 这是一把椅子;那是一扇窗.;这是一本书;那是一支铅笔
- NET Framework compile to CIL, which is assembled into bytecode. NET Framework的语言被编译成CIL,然后汇编成字节码。
- And I've been greatly helped by the CIL (Christadelphian Isolation League). 我得到CIL(基督弟兄会孤立联盟)的极大帮助。
- A test was conducted for cyaniding WISCO Daye Iron Mine's sulphur concentrate. 以武钢大冶铁矿硫精矿为研究对象,对其进行了氰化法提金试验研究。
- The applied effect showed that this way can improve cyaniding recovery rate. 应用生产后,提高了氰化回收率;
- CIL process will be used for oxide ore treatment, floatation and roster will be used for primary ore treatment. 选厂以碳氰法工艺处理氧化矿,并通过浮选 / 焙烧流程来处理原生矿。
- It can match tower mill which is specially used in cyaniding technology of gold leaching while pulverizing. 介绍了一种与边磨边浸氰化提金工艺中的塔式磨浸机相匹配的沉降分级机。
- Because of this legacy, CIL is still frequently referred to as MSIL, especially by long-standing users of the . 因此,CIL仍旧经常与MSIL相提并论,特别是那些.
- Due to standardization of C# and the Common Language Infrastructure, the bytecode is now officially known as CIL. 由于C%23和通用语言架构的标准化,字节码现在已经官方地成为了CIL。
- This can be done carburizing, cyaniding, nitriding, carbonitriding, induction hardening, and flame hardening. 这可以通过渗碳剂、氰化、渗氮、碳氮共渗、感应淬火、火焰淬火来完成。
- At normal cyaniding, the finer the gold concentrate is ground, the lower gold content of leaching residue. 正常氰化条件下,金精矿磨得愈细,氰化渣含金愈低。
- The article introduced cyaniding natrium to basically produce the production of country and area and trade situation. 本文介绍了氰化钠主要生产国和地区的生产与贸易情况。
- Note Intermediate Language is sometimes called Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) or Common Intermediate Language (CIL). 注中间语言有时也称为Microsoft中间语言(MSIL)或公共中间语言(CIL)。
- The administrative department of copyright under the State Coun cil may investigate and punish a tortious act of national influence. 国务院著作权行政管理部门可以查处在全国有重大影响的侵权行为。
- Pre treatment of gold ores containing carbon in CIL process is introduced.Using this process,gold recovery is higher,and cost is lower. 推荐一种炭质金矿石预处理方法。采用该方法从炭质金矿石中回收金较采用“混汞浮选焙烧炭浸”工艺的技术指标有大幅度提高,金回收率达86%25,而且成本更低。
- Majoring in all sets of products used in all producting process including crushing,grinding,floating ,cyaniding and etc. 我厂主营:矿山成套黄金选冶设备制造和修配。
- A novel leaching device was successfully used in CIL process under the condition of aeration and low pressure without mechanical agitating. 采用特制浸出设备在无机械搅拌、充气低压条件下完成浸出及炭吸附过程,时间短,能耗低,投资省,效益高。
- The cyaniding homework which passes on the spot produces fulfillment and the cyaniding sodium dosage obviously lowers after ea... 通过在现场的氰化作业生产实践,在各生产工艺条件优化后氰化钠用量明显降低,产生了可观的经济效益。