- The thermometer reads 27 degrees. 温度计的读数是27度。
- cutoff thermometer 切断温度计
- The thermometer registered 70 degrees. 温度计显示七十度。
- The thermometer fell to zero lastnight. 昨夜温度计显示气温下降到零度。
- The thermometer shows ten below zero. 温度计指着零下十度。
- An oral thermometer; an oral vaccine. 口用体温计; 口服菌苗
- The thermometer reads 96 degrees. 温度计上的读数是九十六度。
- When the thermometer is at 0 degree centigrade, water will freeze. 当温度计降至摄氏零度时,水便会结冰。
- The thermometer stood at 70℉. 温度计上是华氏七十度。
- Grade cutoff is sharp within inches. 数英寸内的品位变化很急剧。
- Mercury rises in a thermometer on a hot day. 天热的日子温度表的水银柱往上升。
- The cutoff does not have to be taken to infinity. 这是否就是说:只要发散常数被吸收或被处理掉了,就不在乎它还取不取无穷大极限?
- A common example of this effect is the thermometer. 这种效应一个常见的例子就是温度计。
- Sharp cutoff shows code enforcement is good. 明显减少表明规范的执行情况是好的。
- An oven thermometer uses a metal strip. 加热炉用金属丝作为温度计。
- B: Yes, but the cutoff date is next Friday. 可以,但是期限只到下星期五。
- The readings on my thermometer last month were well above the average. 我的温度计上个月的读数远远超过平均温度。
- Provides 18 dB-per-octave cutoff at 80 Hz. 80赫兹时,提供每八度18分贝的截频。
- Patient must put thermometer below the tongue. 病人必须把体温表放在舌头的下面。
- The thermometer still wavers around zero. 温度计仍然在零度上下徘徊。