- Above were high-grade stones, cut to size, and cedar beams. 上面有香柏木和按着尺寸凿成宝贵的石头。
- The glass can be cut to size(= cut to the exact measurements)for you. 玻璃可以切割成你要的尺寸。
- Rolls of corrugated carton, cut to size, are excellent for low cost padding. 切割到适当尺寸的瓦楞纸箱卷是一种很好的低成本衬垫。
- Before installing, be sure pipe ends are reamed and threads are cut to size. 在安装之前,确保管道末端已经进行铰孔,攻螺纹,并且切割成所需的尺寸长度。
- Before installing the valve, be sure that the pipe ends are reamed and threads are cut to size. 在安装阀门之前,要确保管道末端经过铰孔,螺纹长度切割适中。
- Cribbing can be made out of pieces of timber found in the debris and cut to size. 可以把废墟中发现的横梁等木条经过加工制成支架。
- IGM Corp. will display marble, granite, limestone, slate, travertine and other stone products in slabs, tiles and cut to size projects. 主要产品:大理石贴砖;花岗石板材;石灰石板材;孔石贴砖;规格板石材.
- Cut to size and use as foot pads for the bottom of furniture that is on a wood or ceramic floor. Glue on pieces with a non-toxic adhesive. 裁剪成适合桌脚椅角的尺寸,用无毒的接著剂黏贴在家具底部。可以防止木头地板或是磁砖被家具刮伤。
- Today's products include block, slab, tile, cut to size, mosaic, fireplaces, vanity and counter tops, as well as other specialty stone products. 可以大量地供应荒料、各种工程用板材、马赛克、壁炉、台面板等各种石材产品。
- She was cut to the quick by his insults. 她受他侮辱而十分伤心。
- He ranged the books according to size. 他照大小顺序排列这些书。
- The skin must be free of liniments.As the active ingredient is evenly distributed over the entire plaster.Weili Doctor Chilli Plaster can be cut to size. 用法: 先将患处彻底洗净抹干,将膏药剪成所需之大小型状,撕开底部,将膏药贴在患处,轻轻按实,此膏药可贴在患处两天之久,情况严重可再贴上第二片膏药。
- Train services have been cut to the bone. 列车车次已大幅度减少。
- Kerouac typed the manuscript on what he called "the scroll": a continuous, one hundred and twenty-foot scroll of tracing paper sheets that he cut to size and taped together. 凯鲁亚克将底稿打在所谓的“打字卷纸”上:一卷连续的,两百二十英尺长,被剪切为固定尺寸,然后用胶带连接成的描图纸。
- Eggs are classified according to size. 鸡蛋按大小分等级。
- Please arrange the books according to size. 请按大小将书分类。
- There's no short cut to take in this problem. 在这个问题上没有捷径可走。
- The bus service has been cut to the bone. 公共汽车服务已经削减到了最低限度。
- We must cut the team down to size. 我们必须减少队员的人数。
- Metal products, cutting to size of steel, iron, sheet metal, tubes, beams, laminates, cast scrap,... 分类标题:黑色金属板条|黑色金属管和管道...