- They all took part in the cut and thrust of debate. 他们都参加了这场激烈的辩论。
- We both took part in the cut and thrust of debate. 我俩都参加了这场针锋相对的辩论。
- He got wounded in the cut and thrust of the battle. 他在搏斗中负了伤。
- The cut and thrust of the general election has just started. 大选的激烈角逐刚刚开始。
- Harry Truman thrived on the cut and thrust of politics. 哈里·杜鲁门是靠政治上短兵相接起家的。
- You both seem to lack the lusty cut and thrust and the humour a good marriage needs. 正常的婚姻中有幽默,也有争吵,而这些似乎正是你们俩的生活中所没有的。
- The 24-year-old admits he earned a reputation in Die Bundesliga for his no-nonsense style, but believes it will stand him in good stead for the cut and thrust of The Premiership. 这位24岁的猛人承认自己因为作风凶悍而得到食人者的外号,但是他也认为他的强悍作风有利于在英超的立足。
- And he has no designs on taking Chelsea into a megabucks European super-league, insisting that he loved the cut and thrust of English football and tricky domestic cup ties too much. 同时他还说,自己并不想让切尔西成为欧洲百万富翁联盟,他说自己很喜欢英国足球的犀利和冲击,并认为艰难的国内杯赛非常重要。
- A further angle worth considering is that this “Real Madridgate” is all part of the political game that a lot of clubs play during this cut and thrust period of transfer dealings. 我们应该更深入的考虑到,这次的“皇马门”事件纯粹是政治斗争中的一部份,许多俱乐部都会在这个暧昧的时期玩这种“转会把戏”。
- There was a power cut and all the lights went out. 因停电所有的灯都熄灭了。
- the cut and thrust of political debate 政治辩论中的唇枪舌剑
- My hair has been badly cut and the ends are uneven. 我的头发剪得很糟,发端参差不齐。
- The plan is cut and dried, nothing can stop it now. 这个计划已经定下来了,已无法加以阻止。
- the cut and thrust of parliamentary debate 议会辩论中的唇枪舌剑.
- The firewood was cut and bundled (together). 木柴已劈好并捆在一起了。
- Install the pinion mate gears and thrust washers. 安装小齿轮配合齿轮和止推垫圈
- He drew his sword and thrust it at me. 他拔出剑来,向我猛刺。
- Seven Stars Buckle and thrust hammer. 七星扣捶。
- His speech was cut and dried because he had nothing new to say. 他的报告枯燥无味,因为毫无新的内容。
- The murderer took the boy by the neck and thrust his knife in. 杀人犯抓信男孩的脖子,将一把匕首刺了进去。