- Take up overland service for goods under customs supervision and general goods. 承接海关监管货物和普通货物的陆路运输服务;
- Reform of the customs service must be deepened to further facilitate customs clearance and to improve customs supervision. 海关要深化改革,进一步提高通关效率和监管水平。
- Having other acts of evading customs supervision and constituting smuggling act. (六)有逃避海关监管,构成走私的其他行为的。
- Exhibits should accept imports of customs supervision, in accordance with the provisions of this approach to customs procedures. 进口展览品应当接受海关监管,按照本办法的规定办理海关手续。
- Customs designated areas or customs supervision to assign an exhibition venue, to be exempted from the customs security. 在海关指定场所或海关派专人监管的场所举办展览会,可免于向海关提供担保。
- Yun did not timely for the rehabilitation of the country exhibits, should be stored in Customs designated places or regulatory supervision warehouses and Customs supervision. 对于未及时复运出境的展览品,应存放在海关指定的监管场所或监管仓库,并接受海关监管。
- When necessary, the customs may send personnel to exercise supervision at checkpoints to check and release means of transport and cargos under customs supervision. 海关认为必要时,可以派员实施卡口监管,核实、放行海关监管运输工具、货物。
- The operator of the place under the customs supervision shall, after the evacuation is done, submit the electronic version of the report on arrival of cargos or articles evacuated. 疏港分流完毕后,海关监管场所经营人应当以电子数据方式向海关提交疏港分流货物、物品运抵报告。
- Article 2.Containers for shipping import or export goodsshall have the devices for affixing Customs seals and shall be inconformity to the requirements of Customs supervision and control. 第一条 为了适应进、出口集装箱运输业务的发展,加强海关对进、出口集装箱和所装货及物品(以下简称集装箱货物)的监管,根据中华人民共和国暂行海关法的有关规定,特制定本办法。
- If classification, selection, mark pasting, change of package and other simple processing are necessary at the warehouses, they must get customs approval and are done under customs supervision. 如需在仓库内进行分级、挑选、刷贴标志,改换包装等简单加工,应当经海关许可并在海关监管下进行。
- Standardized import and export activity as to declare truthfully, pay tax lawfully, use or dispose customs supervised goods legally. 企业进出口行为规范(如实申报,依法纳税,依法使用、处置海关监管货物);
- International delivery. Commodities can be delivered freely to enterprises home and abroad, and can also be transferred to other customs supervised special zones in China. 国际物流配送。货物可自由配送给境内、外企业,也可与国内其他海关监管特定区域间进行转移。
- Our baggage has cleared customs. 我们的行李已通过海关检查。
- It is the only bonded zone in Zhejiang, which enjoys the policy of exempting certifi cate, exempting taxiation, and free trading , leaving the Customs supervising it. 浙江省唯一的保税区;区内享有“免证、免税、保税”政策,由海关实行特殊监管,是中国对外开放程度最高、政策最优惠的经济区域之一。
- New workers often need close supervision. 新工人通常需要严密的管理。
- There are five people under her supervision. 有五个人在她的监督之下。
- The customs asked me if I had anything to declare. 海关人员问我是否有要报税的东西。
- The custom impound the whole cargo. 海关没收了全部的船货。
- I want them to do away with this feudal custom. 我希望他们废除这一封建陋俗。
- This drug should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor. 此药须遵医嘱服用。