- curtate cycloid 长幅圆滚线
- NMRV series worm reducer, 8000 series cycloid X. NMRV系列蜗杆减速机;8000系列摆线X.
- The use of motor speed control, automatic cycloid. 采用可调速电机,自动摆线。
- The cycloid has an isochronal pendulum. 摆线具有严格的等时摆。
- For this reason the cycloid is called the tautochrone. 由于这个缘故,摆线又叫做等时曲线。
- According to the cycloid parameters, the NC program was developed. 根据逼近摆线参数,编制了相应的数控程序进行实切验证。
- The vibration performance of cycloid ball planetary reducer was analyzed. 分析摆线钢球行星传动减速器的振动特性。
- Chapter 5 steered the concrete programming, concrete curtate three working extent of authoriths of the indoles consumer, designed three working interfaces. 第五章进行了具体的程序设计,具体划分了三类用户的操作权限,设计了了三个操作界面。
- Based on compounding cycloid track, a leg mechanism of a bipedal dinosaur was designed. 基于组合摆线运动轨迹设计了一种两足恐龙腿机构。
- We are of the oldest companies in china which omtribufe to the making of cycloid, reducer. 本公司是专业生产制造摆线针轮减速机历史较悠久的企业之一。
- Such research is absolutely necessary because FA cycloid drive is offen applied in high precision transmission. 由于FA减速器常用于高精传动中,因此,该方面的研究是非常重要的。
- Cycloid pin gear planetary reducers are widely used in agricultural machinery with their big transmission ratio and high carrying capacity. 摆线针轮行星减速器具有传动比大和承载能力高的特点,在农业机械中得到广泛的应用。
- In this paTer,the property of cycloid is analyzed in detail and the fundation of design for gear-linkage with cycloid crank is loid. 本文详细分析了摆线的一些特性;为带摆线曲柄的齿轮连杆机构综合奠定了基础.
- Series of flexible rotor cycloid gear pump from the main rotor, outer rotor teeth, pump body and explosion-proof motors and other components. 主要由内齿转子、外齿转子、泵体和防爆电动机等部件组成。
- Cycloid cam is key part of cycloid cam planetary speed reducer, and fu nction of speed reducer is based on its structure and capability. 摆线轮是摆线针轮减速器的关键零件,其结构与性能的优劣是减速器功能的决定因素。
- The paper gives multiple target optimi zations and builds the mathema tical model of optimization design of the cycloid pin gear epicylic decelerator . 通过对摆线针轮行星减速器设计的过程分析,进行了多目标优化设计,建立了摆线针轮行星减速器优化设计的数学模型,经实例计算表明,该方案是可行
- The engagement properties of the rolling-friction cycloid drives is studied systematically on the basis of the gear engagement principle. 根据齿轮啮合原理,系统地分析研究了滚动摩擦摆线行星传动的啮合特性。
- Flexible set cycloid gear pump rotor pump vane pump with the advantages of a similar volume than pump more than 10% efficiency. 柔性摆线转子泵集齿轮泵与叶片泵优点于一身比同类容积泵的效率提高10%25以上。
- The many teeth difference cycloid gear drive now is widely used in the low transmission ratio and big power in kilowatt specifically. 多齿差摆线针齿行星传动近几年来在小速比减速机上,特别是在大功率速比小范畴的使用过程中得到广泛的应用。
- In this paper, the piecewise functions of constant acceleration, combined cycloid and combined parabola starting processes with sloping segments are put forward firstly. 首先给出了带爬行段的等加速度、组合摆线、组合抛物线起动过程的分段函数;