- The school is concerned about curriculum implementation of individual subjects / KLAs. 学校关注各科/学习领域课程的推行情况。
- Accordingly the incoherence between textbooks and curriculum standard appears in the curriculum implementation. 如此看来,教科书与课程标准的不一致,是课程实 施中发生的问题。
- The core tach of the curriculum is the curriculum implement of which the basic approach is classroom teaching. 课程改革的核心环节是课程实施,而课程实施的基本途径是课堂教学。
- Postscript sums up the whole thesis and points out the great gap in new curriculum implement. 后记,总结全文,指出新课程实施还有很大的空间。
- In this kind of curriculum implementation, teacher is a collaborator and a guide, and Students are meaning creators and equal participators. 课程实施中的教师是合作者、引导者,学生是意义创造者和平等参与者。
- To promote the wisdom of kindergarten curriculum implementation, rediscovery and reinterpretation of children is necessary. 要提升幼儿园课程的实施智慧,就要对儿童进行再发现和再认识。
- Abstract: Analysis of different levels, sports curriculum implementation strategies can be divided into macro, meso-and micro-strategy strategy. 摘要:从不同层面分析,体育课程实施可分为宏观策略、中观策略和微观策略。
- The discussion reveals that teachers doing curriculum action research during the process of curriculum implementation can make curriculum implementation more effective. 课程实施之行动研究的基本理念是以学生、教师和学校发展为本,教师与理论工作者相互促进、共同提高,在实践中、在行动现场中进行。 这种理念决定了课程实施之行动研究的基本特征。
- During the whole process of curriculum implementation, the principle should change into an assessor who gives proper suggestion and corrects the way in time. 在新课程实施的过程中,校长应自始至终是新课程教学和教师教学实践方式转变的“评价者”和“修正者”;
- The incoherence of official curriculum indicated that editing of textbook concerns not only curriculum development but also curriculum implementation matter. 正式课程内部不一致的现象表明,教科书编写并不仅是一个课程编制问题, 也是一个课程实施问题。
- At the very beginning of curriculum implementation, the principle should be a host, to be more exact, an encourager or advocator who introduces the new curriculum into the school. 在课程实施的初始阶段,校长应是“开门揖客”,是把新课程引入学校的“鼓吹者”和“倡导者”,是教师学习新课程知识,树立新课程理念的“辅导员”和“引导者”;
- Teacher's curriculum enactment (TCE) means to answer the intrinsic relationship between the teacher and curriculum.It originates in and go beyond the enactment of curriculum implementation. 摘要“教师的课程创生”意在回答教师与课程的内在关系,它源于但又超越“课程实施的创生”,主张教师在整个课程运作过程中都应充分发挥主体性和创造性。
- However, we find that the principle often plays as an obstructer during the reform of curriculum implementation and even feels confused from the research and practice at home and abroad. 然而在国外的研究中,发现校长常常是“改革的一种阻力,而不是推动力。”
- But constructionism itself, it also has some defects, the curriculum implementer should know this clearly. 同时,建构主义自身也有不足之处,课程的实施者对此要有清醒的认识。
- Revolves the curriculum to construct the goal, pointe choices curriculum content, curriculum implements the plan, satisfice the specialized cultivation the need. 围绕课程建设目标,针对性选择课程内容,确定有效的课程实施方案,满足专业人才培养目标的需要。
- Old ideas of curriculum implementation regarded curriculum as the institutional text prescribed by national educational administration sector, which was coercive and canonical. Teachers should implemented them step by step undoubtedly. 旧的课程实施观把课程看作由国家教育行政部门制定的制度性文本,具有强制执行性和无须研究的规范性,教师只需按部就搬地遵照执行就可以了。
- orientation of curriculum implementation 课程实施取向
- the new curriculum implementation 新课程实施
- The actions taken to implement protocols. 为实现协议而采取的动作。
- Its curriculum construct should embody the thought of post-modern curriculum normal form, and construct the multiplied form, ecological curriculum structure, and active curriculum implementing form and generating curriculum-working design. 高师院校心理健康教育的课程建构应体现后现代课程范式思想,建构多元化的课程形态、生态化的课程结构、活动化的课程实施形式和生成性的课程运作设计。