- Uncollected cheque books will be sent by registered mail to the account holder, postage will be debited to the account holder's current account. 逾期未領取的支票簿,將以掛號郵件寄予客戶,有關之郵費將於客戶的往來戶口內扣除。
- Current account holders are entitled to make use of most services of the bank. 账户用户享有办理银行大部分服务项目的权利。
- You may open a current account at a bank. 你可以在银行开立一个活期帐户。
- I'd like to open a current account with you. 我想在你们这儿开一个活期存款帐户。
- I should like to open a current account. 我想开一个活期存款帐户。
- Do you like to open a current account? 你想开一个活期存款帐户吗?
- Drawer The account holder or the person who signs the check. 出票人签署支票的账户持有人。
- Can I open a current account here? 我能否在这儿开个活期存款帐户?
- B: I want to open a current account. 我想开一个活期帐户。
- To pay tax by phone, you must first register as a PPS account holder. 使用电话缴税,首先你需要有缴费灵户口。
- I think a current account is just what I need. 我想活期存款正是我所需要的。
- Upon a change of account holder, please change the password immediately. 帐户持有人如有改变,应立即更改通行密码。
- Any deletion or amendment must be initialed by all account holder(s). 3任何刪除或修改必須由全部帳戶持有人簽署作實。
- I want to pay 500 dollars into my current account. 我想在我的活期存款中存入五百美元。
- What is the interest rate for the current account? 活期存款的利率是多少?
- D:I'd like to open a current account. d:我想开一个支票户口。
- I want to oped a current account. 我想开一个活期储蓄的账户。
- I'd like to open a current account. 我想开一个活期存款户头。
- Oh, current account don't pay out interest. 噢!支票户头是没有利息的。
- The current account includes five kinds of items. 经常项目包括五项内容。