- The current line number of the file. 文件中的当前行号。
- Enables breakpoint at the current line. 在当前行上启用断点。
- Provides current line number information. 提供当前的行数信息。
- Copy current line or selected block to buffer. 拷贝当前行或者所选代码快到缓冲器。
- Cut current line or selected block to buffer. 剪切当前行或者所选代码块到缓冲器。
- Bookmarks the current line of code as bookmark zero. 为当前代码行创建一个书签,并将其指定为书签0。
- Writes the current line terminator to the standard output stream. 将当前行终止符写入标准输出流。
- Retrieves the index of the first character of the current line. 检索当前行第一个字符的索引。
- Ctrl+D: Delete the current line or selected lines. 删除当前行或者选中的多行内容.
- Ascent/descent lines, deco bar, current lines. 上升/下降绳,安全栅栏,潮流绳。
- Can't delete the current line, are you sure it has already been used? 不能删除当前行,请确认当前行是否已经被使用?
- Index of the current line in a table control. This is set for every loop pass. 在表控制中当前行的索引。在每个循环过程中设置。
- Selects text from the insertion point to the end of the current line. 选择从插入点到当前行行尾的文本。
- Returns the current line as a string and advances the cursor to the next line. 以字符串形式返回当前行,并将光标向前移到下一行。
- Technique: trolling current lines, reef areas, around bait schools. 技巧:拖钓,在珊瑚礁水域,海水中食物丰富的地点。
- The current line can be vital to a tired diver fighting a current back to the boat. 潮流绳对于疲惫不堪了的潜水人对抗水流安全回到船上起着生死攸关的作用。
- If checked, a rectangle is drawn around the current line, making the cursor easier to see. 如果勾选此项,当前行周围将显示一个长方形虚线框,确保光标很容易被看到。
- Moves the cursor to the right-most character visible in the current line, not the last character of the line. 将光标移至当前行最右侧的可见字符处,而不是当前行的最后一个字符处。
- The current line is marked in the editor with a yellow background and a yellow arrow in the left margin. 在编辑器中,当前行将以黄色背景进行标记,并且左边有黄色箭头。
- Marks the current line of code as a comment, using the correct comment syntax for the programming language. 使用编程语言的正确注释语法将代码的当前行标记为注释。