- I guess this is their current information warfare strategy. 我想这是他们当前的资讯战战略。
- Business requirements dictate how current information must be. 业务要求决定对信息的时效性要求。
- Ex: The brochures were remade with our current information. 手册已经根据我们目前的资料更新了。
- It also contains advanced and current information for experts in this field. 它也包括了这方面专家所需的先进现代内容。
- To modify a master file with current information according to a specified procedure. 按照指定的过程,用当前的信息去修改主文件。
- Probably the most important component is the delivery and evaluation of current information. 可能最重要的组成部分是现行情报的传递和评价。
- The Auto Power Off function prevents unnecessary waste of the battery power. The current information contained in the camera memory is retained. 自动断开电源的功能可避免浪费电池电量。电池虽关掉,但当前信息仍保留在相机内存内。
- Providing the most current information available can enrich debate and ensure that future decisions are well-informed. 提供现有最新咨讯能够丰富讨论,保障今后作出知情决策。
- Current information about the modified row is passed to the Command object through the Parameters collection. 有关已修改行的当前信息将通过Parameters集合传递到Command对象。
- Updates the data in the class with the most current information from the file system. 更新类中的数据信息。
- Then again, if we find out what? S happening, we would want to know the most current information about it. 相同地,如果我们知道发生什么,我们会想知道最新的资讯。
- PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) has been well accepted to solve current information security problems. 公钥基础设施 PKI( Public Key Infrastructure)已成为当前解决信息安全问题的主流方法。
- The USDA document describes the current information available to APHIS, which will be used to form a risk assessment. 美国农业部在文件中描述了目前APHIS可以获得的信息,这些信息将可用来组成风险评估。
- We regularly evaluate current information available to us to determine whether such accruals should be adjusted. 我们通常评估当前有用的资料对我们确定是否应该调整这样增殖。
- The publication is designed to provide both a Japanese and foreign readership with in-depth and current information. 本出版物为日本及日本海外的读者提供了深层次并及时的信息。
- In the current information age, we must focus on customizing learning to the needs of the learner. 在当前的信息年龄,我们必须集中于设定学习到学习者的需要。
- Support Demand Planning Manager upgrades the current information data bases to ensure information from field is more accurate. 支持需求计划经理提高现有信息数据基数以确保渠道信息更加准确。
- The SENTINEL meter enables you to manage your current information requirements while maintaining the flexibility you need to meet future challenges. SENTINEL仪表不仅能用来高效管理当今的信息需求,同时还提供了可满足未来挑战的灵活性。
- This integration ensures that all plans, budgets, forecasts, and management reports are built using the most consistent and current information. 这种集成功能可确保企业采用连贯统一的最新信息制定所有规划、预算、预测和管理报表。
- Tasks view displays all the tasks in your Web site in a column format and provides current information about each task under various headings. “任务”视图以列格式显示网站中的所有任务,并在各个标题下提供有关各项任务的当前信息。