- currency control table 当前值控制表
- The critical limits and monitoring procedures for the process were documented in an HACCP control table also. 并确定能保证关键控制点得到有效控制的关键限值和监控措施,制定HACCP控制表。
- Another option is to build an architecture module for maintaining interdependencies using a control table. 这个仓库通常有单表构成,即所谓分区表。
- It certainly means debt moratoria and probably currency controls on a temporary basis. 这意味着有必要延迟偿还债款的期限,或许也有暂时实行货币管制措施的必要。
- This paper states the protracting method of temperature control curve of first - degree heating network and temperature control table of second - degree heating network. 本文着重论述了一级热网温度控制曲线及二级热网温度控制表的绘制方法。
- Currency controls impede all manner of things that could be useful to Chinese firms. 对货币制度的严格控制阻止了任何对中国公司可能有用的金融工具。
- EU officials say European leaders will press Beijing for faster action on trade and investment barriers and on loosening currency controls. 欧盟官员称,欧盟领导人将迫使北京加快行动步伐,解除贸易和投资壁垒,放松外汇管制。
- The application of HACCP quality control system in the production of grape wine coveres the following fields: production hazard analysis, key control points determination, HACCP control table formulation, records and assessment of HACCP system files etc. HACCP质量控制体系在葡萄酒生产中的应用包括:生产危害分析、确定关键控制点、制定HACCP系统档案记录及评估等。
- This paper studies the general function of storage management software based on SAN. Firstly, the wait control table function and timeout function is adpated to the system of backup and recovery so that they improve the performance and availablity. 本文研究了基于SAN的存储管理软件整体功能,提出了等待控制表机制和进程间的超时机制,应用于备份和恢复管理系统中,提高了备份和恢复管理系统的性能和可靠性。
- By presenting relaxation of currency controls as a challenge to the dominance of the dollar, they are able to give their proposals a nationalist veneer. 现在通过对人民币控制放宽作为对美元统治地位的挑战,这些经济改革家可以为他们的提议贴上民族主义的标签。
- He lowered tariffs and other trade barriers, scrapped industrial licensing, reduced tax rates, devalued the rupee, opened India to foreign investment, and rolled back currency controls. 他减少关税与其他贸易壁垒,废弃工业许可证制度,降低税率,使卢比(印度货币单位)贬值,让印度对外国投资开放,把货币控制压低到标准水平。
- To create Query Patroller control tables and register a target tablespace to store query result tables. 创建Query Patroller控制表并注册目标表空间来存储查询结果表。
- Upgraded fire control.She would have received updated radar, fire control tables, comms, directors, etc. 因为改装过于拖延,到30年代中期,可怜的胡德号已经快掉入当时英国皇家海军最不现代化的主力舰行列了。
- Deadlocks or hot spots often occur in administration or architecture tables such as log tables, control tables, and lock tables. 死锁或热点,经常发生在管理或框架表,比如日志表、控制表。
- He was arrested for smuggling out currency. 他因携带货币出境而被捕。
- transient area control table (TACT) 过渡区控制表
- Our currency will not be depreciated. 我们的货币不会贬值。
- The program will create and populate Warehouse Manager Control tables, which will reside in a single-partition SMS tablespace on database partition number 0. 程序将创建并填充Warehouse Manager Control表,其将位于数据分区编号0中的单一分区SMS表空间中。
- Most countries have a decimal currency. 大多数国家使用十进制货币。
- The old currency will have been phased out by 1990. 旧币分阶段至1990年将全部禁止流通。