- Was the currency board a good option? 货币发行局是一个好的选择吗?
- Hong Kong first implemented a currency board system in 1935. 香港最先在1935年推行货币发行局制度。
- The Currency Board Account has also been published monthly since March. 自一九九九年三月起,金管局每月公布货币发行局账目。
- It contracts when the foreign currency is bought from the currency board (outflow from Hong Kong dollars). 反之,每当有人从货币发行局购入外币(即资金流出港元),货币基础便会收缩。
- It contracts when the foreign currency is bought from the currency board (outflow from the Hong Kong dollar). 反之,如有人从货币发行局购入外币(即资金流出港元),货币基础便会收缩。
- These facilities were structured in such a way as to maximise consistency with currency board discipline. 这些措施的设计已尽可能与货币发行局运作原则保持一致。
- In the recent round of attacks on the Hong Kong dollar,the currency board system has proven to be most effective. 当港元面对最近一轮的冲击时,货币发行局制度证明能有效发挥作用。
- The Government is fully committed to maintaining the linked exchange rate system and adheres to the strict discipline under the currency board system. 政府致力维持联系汇率制度,并严格遵守货币发行局的规则。
- The records of the meetings of the Subcommittee on Currency Board Operations are also published within six weeks of each meeting. 货币发行委员会的会议记录亦于会议举行后六星期内发布。
- In fact, only a quite small percentage of our staff time is devoted to day-to-day operations of the Currency Board. 事实上,金管局内只有小部分职员负责货币发行局制度的日常运作。
- In preparing the Currency Board Accounts, all financial assets and liabilities would be marked to market. 编制货币发行局帐目时,所有金融资产和负债均会按市价计值。
- There will always be debate about the architecture and mechanics of our Currency Board system. 货币发行局制度的安排及机制,不时在香港引起社会上的一些讨论。
- It will further show, over time, how the HKMA is adhering to the discipline of a Currency Board system. 长远来说,日后这项资产负债表将会进一步显示金管局如何严格遵守货币发行局制度的原则。
- This measure is to ensure that the repo of Exchange Fund paper through the Discount Window does not involve any departure from the discipline of the currency board system. 这项措施是要确保以外汇基金票据及债券在贴现窗进行的回购协议交易,不会偏离货币发行局制度的规则。
- The size of the Monetary Base has remained stable under our robust and rule-based Currency Board system. 在稳健而规范化的货币发行局制度下,货币基础数额一直保持稳定。
- No precedents were available to show us how a modern day currency board system should be structured. 现代货币发行局制度的结构应该是怎样的一个课题,是没有先例可援的。
- But this arrangement need not involve any significant departure from the discipline of currency board arrangements. 但这项安排无需涉及任何显著偏离货币发行局制度规律的情况。
- This puts the responsibility for the provision of liquidity to the banking system squarely on the currency board. 在此情况下,向银行体系提供流动资金的责任便落在货币发行局身上。
- This structural change to the Currency Board arrangements has no precedent anywhere in the world. 这项对货币发行局制度的结构性改革,是史无前例的。
- The linked exchange rate and currency board system, set in historical and economic context. 从历史与经济角度看联系汇率与货币发行局制度。