- The game went on again and it was a great cup tie. “比赛继续进行,这是伟大的决赛。”
- You have to accept that and make it a cup tie yourselves. 你不得不接受这点,并把比赛控制在自己手中。
- Tottenham kick off 39 hours after finishing their Uefa Cup tie in Seville. 托特纳姆39小时前才刚在塞维利亚完成欧洲联盟杯的对碰。
- "Doncaster showed great commitment and made it like a cup tie at times. 希望他会没事, 因为这是他来到英格兰足球的前言。
- Scottish league cup ties are now seeded properly. 修订苏格兰联赛杯的历史记录。
- We made the point before the match that teams like Crewe battle and make it a cup tie. 比赛之前我们认为克鲁维会拼命制造冷门。
- Terry admitted the cup tie against Forest came too soon for him, but that he was on the verge of making his comeback. 特里承认对阵森林队的杯赛对他来说来得太快了,但是他那时就已经在可上可不上的边缘了。
- The fans will not forgive {1} if he fails to steer {0} to victory in this cup tie. 狂热者将不原谅{1}如果他不及格引导{穿戴这个杯子领带的对胜利的0}。
- Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard has been ruled out of Sunday's FA Cup tie at Luton with a calf injury. 由于小腿受伤,利物浦队长杰拉德将会缺阵周六的足总杯。
- Losing 2-0 in the aforementioned FA Cup tie where Roger Freestone had saved the Brian McClair penalty. 上面提到过的那场足总杯上,就是罗杰.;福里斯通扑出布赖恩
- Ten years ago today, Ian Rush netted a hat-trick as we beat Ipswich Town 3-2 in a League Cup tie at Anfield. 10年的今天,已经32岁的拉什以一个帽子戏法带领红军3:2在联赛杯中击败伊普斯维奇队。
- That compares fantastically with the 800 who travelled for our UEFA Cup tie against the same opposition in 2001. 跟2001年同个对手却只有800名切迷随队出征相比,是非常梦幻的。
- Roger Freestone saving a Brian McClair penalty in an FA Cup tie at Old Trafford back in the late eighties. 80年代后期,在老特拉福德的足总杯上,罗杰.;福里斯通扑出了布赖恩
- Carver has now left the club, leaving reserve-team boss Dave Geddis in charge for the Southend cup tie. 临时教练JohnCarver已经离队,预备队教练DaveGeddis将执掌对southend的杯赛比赛。
- The Gunners are 3-0 up from the first leg and playing Cole would cup tie him and add an extra complication to the transfer. 枪手在第一会合以3:0领先,派上科尔用杯赛规则牵制他同时也使他的转会复杂化。
- The Reds boss will bring youngsters Fabio da Silva, Richard Eckersley and James Chester into the squad for the FA Cup tie. 纳尼虽然在联赛杯上攻入一球,但他也付出了腹股沟拉伤的代价,将缺战一周。
- But he will make his first start of the season for Newcastle in their Carling Cup tie against Barnsley at St James' Park tonight. 但是今晚在圣詹姆斯公园欧文将首次代表纽卡在比赛中首发,在联赛杯中对阵巴恩斯利。
- Tuesday columnist and former Blue Pat Nevin insists it should be chins-up after Sunday's defeat with everyone looking forward to an important cup tie. 我们的周二专栏作家、前蓝军战士帕特.;内文认为在经历了上周日的失败之后,我们更应该昂首挺胸去迎接一场众人瞩目的杯赛大战。
- On Thurday, the Madridistas host Ecija in the return leg of the King's Cup tie, followed by Osasuna in League play on Sunday. 星期四,皇马要在主场迎接国王杯,紧接着是星期天的联赛中遭遇奥萨苏纳。
- The Bulls have been struck with a goalkeeping jink this season which started with Darren Randolph’s refusal to play in an FA Cup tie. 从Darren Randolph拒绝在足总杯中出场开始,这赛季的公牛(歇尔福德联队)便开始了门将噩运。