- Ornaments and shot swords with Xiongnu culture characteristic are liked by the central plains people. 匈奴文化特色浓郁的饰牌、短剑亦被中原人使用和喜爱。
- The decoration of eastern culture characteristics is impressing. 整个餐厅装饰古朴典雅,独具东方文化特色。
- It"s a tentative try to reveal the culture characteristic of MIAO by the way of comparison between MIAO and Han"s culture. 通过比较苗、韩民族文化,更深入地揭示苗族文化的特征,是本文的一种尝试性的努力。
- This articlediscusses personification;healthy atmosphere;delicate interest and natural charm of culture characteristic oftraditional bamboo-furniture. 本文论述了传统竹家具的人格化、浩然正气和自然雅趣的文化特征。
- From the perspective of macroscopic view,the future metropolis sees to the synergy between urban planning,culture characteristic,ecological env. 未来的大都市注重生态环境和可持续发展,凝聚了人类的理想、文化特质、生态环境、生活品质与产业的平衡与协调,注重对城市未来的宏观把握。
- To the salesperson's management, china reflected respective business for the every management detail with Xi Menzi company grumous culture characteristic. 对于销售人员的管理,华为和西门子公司的每个管理细节都体现了各自企业浓厚的文化特色。
- It is the forerunner which explored the Chinese characteristic construction and reveals the civic culture characteristic, and should obtain recognition and research. 它是探索富有中国特色建筑和彰显城市文化特色的先行者,理应得到重视与研究。
- The higher the hierarchy of consumption is, the denser its culture characteristic is, the larger the content of culture is, the wider its consumption epitaxy is. 消费层次越高,其文化特征越浓,文化含量越大,其消费外延越广。
- The learner can comprehend the culture characteristic of this field through the intercommunion > collaboration and conversation between the learner and experts or teachers and accompanier. 学习者在与专家、教师、同伴的交流、协作、会话等活动中领略该领域的文化特点。
- It is necessary to create symbolic and international sports culture brands with distinct sports culture characteristics. 要创造出具有鲜明体育文化特色的标志性、国际性体育文化品牌。
- To promote the campus culture characteristic and realize the sound development of the campus culture of " ecotype ", we need pursue sincere education and cultivate the campus spirit. 要通过推行诚信教育、培育校园精神和创设校园文化特色来提升校园文化的品位,实现“生态型”校园文化的健康发展。
- The Erdos bronze ware represented the Xiongnu culture characteristic were mainly unearthed in HeNan XinQinZhong, and existed in HuaBei, XiBei, JiangSu, SiChuan, GuangDong, and GuangXi. 摘要代表匈奴文化特色的鄂尔多斯式青铜器,除集中出土于原匈奴驻牧的“河南地”、“新秦中”外,还广泛存在于今华北、西北、江苏、四川,甚至广东、广西地区。
- What's more, these music and dances are integrated with the Plateau culture characteristics. 这些音乐舞蹈又掺揉了高原文化的特点。
- The bright nationality characteristic is the Chinese character symbol cultural characteristic. 鲜明的民族化特征是汉字型标志的文化特色。
- This deduction has not only the predominance in external form but also full evidences from the angle of postnatal culture characteristics. 这种推论不仅有其天然的外在优势,而且从文化特征这种后天的内在意义来看,亦有其充分的理由。
- Wu-dancing has the abundant history resource and the bright regional culture characteristics. 吴地舞蹈有着丰富的历史资源和鲜明的地域文化特征。
- This time's advertisement strategy needs to carry on the localilzation according to the target market cultural characteristic. 此时的广告策略需要根据目标市场的文化特点进行本土化。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。