- Bakhtin's theory on carnival and Antonio Gramsci's theory on culture hegemony have both common points and differences. 摘要巴赫金的“狂欢化”诗学与葛兰西的“文化霸权”理论既有契合之点,也有差异之处。
- It is the proletariat party that realizes culture hegemony after failure to struggling for bourgeois in the lead of workshop committee. 他认为在工厂委员会领导工人阶级对资产阶级进行斗争受到了严重的挫折后,只有“现代君主”即无产阶级政党才能实现文化领导权;
- Under the trend of globalization, culture hegemony and ultraism become an impediment of threatening human civilization development and challenge of culture diversity. 在当前全球化趋势不断强化的形势下,文化霸权主义和文化极端主义已经成为威胁人类文明健康和谐发展的严重障碍,也是对文化多样性的严峻挑战。
- Power words theory of Fouvault, west cultural hegemony theory of Gramsci and theory of Fanon are main theory origin of view of national culture. 福柯的权力话语理论、葛兰西的文化霸权理论和法农的民族文化论述是民族文化观主要的理论渊源。
- But modernism has achieved such cultural hegemony that most educated people accept its tenets as a matter of course. 但是现代主义已经占据了文化霸主的地位,以致于大部分受过教育的人视之为天经地义。
- Said deconstructs the cultural hegemony of Orientalism from the post-modernist standpoint. 摘要赛义德从后现代主义的立场出发,对东方学中的文化霸权主义进行了解构。
- The cultural hegemony of the hawkish elements in political circles and the media makes it impossible to soften the impact of the clash Between different ideologies. 政坛和舆论界鹰派人物对文化的霸权心态,让意识形态的对立仍无法在世纪末缓和。
- Chapter 1 examines the theory of cultural hegemony of Gramsci, which includes two respects,one is his cultural view, one is his hegemony theory. 具体来说,本文第1章阐述了葛兰西的文化领导权理论。这包括两个方面,一是他的文化观,二是他的领导权理论。
- In the postmodern context, the ethics of medical language should be a conversation of interpretation, free from the modern "cultural hegemony", a... 在后现代语境下,医学语言的伦理应该是摆脱现代性“文化霸权”的一种诠释学的谈话,是一种境遇伦理。
- Abstract: Humanism is the basic point for Lin Yutang and Edward W.Said to oppose western cultural hegemony, but their humanism thoughts are different. 摘要: 林语堂与萨义德在反对西方文化霸权时都把立足点选在人文主义上,但是他们的人文主义思想是不同的。
- In doing so, the thesis echoes what Gramsci has said that the practice of "cultural hegemony" is a dynamic process of action and counteraction. 通过以上具体分析与阐述,笔者试图说明,正如葛兰西在他的文化霸权理论中指出的,文化霸权是一个动态的实现与反实现过程。
- People should firmly oppose cultural colonization and cultural hegemony, and enhance the self-consciousness and effectiveness in combating cultural imperialism. 再次,坚决反对文化殖民与文化霸权,提高同文化帝国主义进行斗争的自觉性与有效性。
- Gramsci criticizes the cultural hegemony of bourgeois from the stand of modernity, and agitates proletariat to capture the cultural leadership from bourgeois. 葛兰西站在现代性的立场上对资产阶级的文化霸权进行了批判,鼓动无产阶级从资产阶级手中把文化领导权夺过来。
- In the postmodern context, the ethics of medical language should be a conversation of interpretation, free from the modern "cultural hegemony", and a situa... 在后现代语境下,医学语言的伦理应该是摆脱现代性“文化霸权”的一种诠释学的谈话,是一种境遇伦理。
- The Enlightenment has brought us hints: be against cultural hegemony and stresses the jointly development of both national literature and world literature. 启蒙主义带来的启示:反对文化霸权主义,注重民族文学与世界文学协同发展。
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- At a time each nation is striving to preserve its unique cultural features, translation, especially that from the Third World, carries with it the mission of reacting against the cultural hegemony practiced by the western world. 在当前各民族正努力致力于保存各自文化特色的大背景下,第三世界的翻译活动尤其要承担起与文化霸权抗衡、争取文化平等地位的历史使命。
- In this play the abiding gender and racial stereotypes formed in Western mind about the Chinese, satirizes the white fantasy of the protagonist and challenges Euro-American cultural hegemony. 但作为自幼接受白人主流文化教育的第二代华裔移民作家,黄哲伦对东方主义的解构又是不完全的。
- Under Taiwan's special postcolonial conditions, how to face the challenges of colonial/modernisational heritages and the globalised cultural hegemony is a crucial question for nowadays architects. 在面对台湾特殊的后殖民情境下,如何面对殖民现代化的历史包袱,以及面对新世纪全球化文化侵袭下的人文地理关系,便是新一代建筑师所要面对的难题。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。