- culpa levissima [法] 最轻过失
- "A number of banks have pleaded mea culpa. “一些银行已经承认了自己的过失。
- One is not always liable before law for culpa resulting in damages. 一个人因疏忽而造成损害时,在法律之前并非一定要负责任。
- He says that they have been sending "mea culpa" letters to clients. 他还说,他们最近发了很多封信给客户,连连说,是我不对,是我不对!
- VIII) Culpa in contrahendo when invalid guarantee takes place. 财产损害时的缔约过失责任;
- Fourth, to sum up the practical action types of Culpa In Controhendo. (4)缔约过失责任的具体行为类型等问题。
- "Lata culpa" est nimia neglegentia, id est non intellegere quod omnes intellegunt. “重大过失”是一种极度的怠慢态度,亦即,连全部人知道的事情都不知道。
- Mr Zoellick's frank mea culpa sounded impressive, and the project has been suspended. 佐利克先生坦白的罪过书听来很感人,而此项目已被搁置。
- The current mea culpa comes in the form of an internet video addressing Chinese fans. 他最近通过因特网视频的形式对中国的拥趸表达了歉意。
- One short storm of controversy and numerous tweets later, GLAAD got their mea culpa. "争议和无数tweets后, GLAA得到了他们的道歉。
- Chapter four is looking for roomage of the application of culpa in contrahendo from tendency of standard clause. 第三部分是从格式条款的发展趋势探寻缔约过失责任发展的理论空间。
- The fifth chapter shows the bearing means and damages against culpa in contrahendo. 6、违反忠实义务时的缔约过失责任;
- Labor contract is a kind of contract and liability for culpa in contrahendo should be embodied in labor legislation. 劳动合同也是合同的一种,缔约过失责任也应在劳动立法中得以体现。
- I wrote a mea culpa warning, which I mailed to everyone in my address book: Don’t click on that attachment! 我写了一封道歉邮件,发给地址簿里的每一个联系人,警告他们“别点击附件!”
- This is why, in spite of the attendant embarrassment, Mattel's mea culpa prompted a rise in its stock price rather than a fall. 如果保证质量意味着提价,那么激烈竞争的企业应如何对付?跨国公司,不要假扮无辜!
- Positive breach of contract and culpa in contrahendo prefigure systematic breaches and defects in the traditional approach. 积极侵害债权的出现和缔约过失责任范围的扩大则预示了传统进路体系上的断裂和缺陷。
- There is only one way to bear culpa in contrahendo,that is compensation for damages,excluding returning property and pursuing property. 7、缔约过程中违反情报提供义务(告知义务)时的缔约过失责任;
- Moreover, when companies then issue a mea culpa and lower their forecasts, disappointed investors will hammer the price of their shares. 另外,当企业随后宣布失误,降低他们的预测目标,那么失望的投资者会打压这些企业的股价。
- The liability of culpa in contrahendo rule so far has just been at its early stage in our country.Its corresponding legal system als... 缔约过失责任制度在我国处于起步时期,其相应的法律制度还有待完善。