- cui bonoph. 为何呢?
- She read the declaration aloud pro bono publico. 为了大家的便利,她将宣言高声读了一遍。
- Bono's real name is Paul Hewson. 博诺的真实姓名是保罗 休森。
- Professor Cui has a high reputation as a linguist. 崔教授作为语言学家名声很高.
- Why does Cui Qi not use the computer? 崔琦为何不用电脑?
- Why does not Cui Qi use the computer? 崔琦为何不用电脑?
- I think that Cui Yongyuan is his humour. 我觉得,崔永元是因为幽默而出了名。
- Many thanks to our friend Cui Shijun. 非常感谢崔实俊朋友。
- Xiao Cui was merely joking with you. 好啊。加油啊。快去!小崔是跟你闹着玩儿的。
- I can't be a Cui family completely. 我不能完整的做一个崔家的人。
- Cui, Are you at odds with your boss? 你与老板不和吗?
- George Soros wants to be the Bono of the financial world. 乔治·索罗斯想成为金融界的博诺。
- Xiao Cui is particularly lively. 格外活泼的是小崔。
- Autumn even wave, the wave Hanyan Cui. 秋色连波,波上寒烟翠。
- Cui Cheng Tian singing art to working reflexes. 崔澄田的演唱艺术,以做工见长。
- Tramautised by MCQ...Feeling 'cui'... 初战肯特岗... 惨败...
- Annie: I think I'd look pretty good in Bono's sunglasses. 安妮︰想我戴波诺的太阳眼镜会很好看。
- Sometimes difficult with private lawyers taking pro bono cases. 有时对于做公益案件的私营律师是很难的。
- You can't seriously be criticizing me for doing pro bono work. 你不能因为那些免费手术这样严厉的批评我。