- cuhural industries 文化产业
- At this time the watch and camera industries were taking shape. 这时,钟表和照相机工业开始形成。
- The government refuses to prop up inefficient industries. 政府拒绝补贴效益不佳的行业。
- It is not the government's policy to prop up declining industries. 资助不景气的工业不是政府的政策。
- The government does not intend to prop up declining industries. 政府无意扶持不景气的企业。
- Several industries are developing in this area. 几种工业正在这个地区发展。
- It is a policy that looks towards the development of local industries. 这是一项旨在促进地方工业发展的政策。
- cuhural industry 文化产业
- All these industries are doing well. 所有这些工业都发展得很好。
- Industries are beginning to help clean up the air. 工业开始帮助净化空气。
- Idle industries cast workers into unemployment. 萧条的工业使工人们失业。
- They tried their best to protect home industries. 他们尽全力保护国内工业。
- Small industries will be the salvation of many areas now in decline. 小型企业将是目前处于衰退的许多地区的救星。
- Education thrives; industries thrive. 教育发达;工业昌盛。
- The gap is still wider in the newer industries. 新兴工业的差距就更大了。
- Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. 三菱重工有限公司
- It is a residential city with light industries. 它是一座拥有轻工业的居住城市。
- Hello. This is Zhongping Wu of NC Industries. 喂!我是nc 工业的吴中平。
- These industries are relatively new. 这些工业部门相对来说都是新型工业。
- I'm sales manager of NC Industries. 我是nc 工业的业务经理。