- cuff applying forceps 持气囊钳
- Le Roy's scalp clips applying forceps 勒鲁瓦(氏)头皮夹钳
- Scoville-Lewis clips applying forceps 斯-路二氏脑动脉瘤夹钳
- Housepian's clips applying forceps 豪斯比安(氏)脑动脉瘤夹钳
- Cushing's clips applying forceps 库兴(氏)银夹钳
- Cushing-Leksell clips applying forceps 库-利二氏银夹钳
- silver clips applying forceps for angioma 血管瘤银夹钳
- Olivecrona's clips applying forceps 奥利夫克罗那(氏)银夹钳
- Ingraham-Fowler tantalum clips applying forceps 英-福二氏钽夹钳
- applying forceps for aneurysm clips 动脉瘤夹用钳
- She braid the neckline, hem and cuff of the dress. 她用穗带装饰连衣裙的领口、摺边和袖口。
- applying forceps for contraceptive ring 节育环放置钳
- Clark's cross-action clips applying forceps 克拉克(氏)反力式银夹镊
- I won't prepare a speech: I'll talk off the cuff. 我不准备发言稿,我将即兴发言。
- He gave the pickpocket a good cuff. 他给那扒手狠狠一巴掌。
- clip applying forceps for deep region 深部银夹钳
- In a little while she delivered the baby with forceps. 一会儿她就用钳子把孩子接生出来了。
- Give me100 dollars down and we'll put the rest on the cuff. 你先交100美元定钱,其余可以赊欠。
- The dress pattern doesn't really explain how the cuff joins onto the sleeve. 这个裙样没有真正地示明袖口是怎样与袖子连接在一起的。
- silver clip applying forceps for tentorium cerebelli 小脑幕银夹钳